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Software > starting-with-amfortis-v2.htm

Starting with Amfortis 2.0

At a Glance

Amfortis 2.0 is the second version of ECO3's advanced automated workflow for the packaging markets.

This page will help you starting with Amfortis 2.0.

If Amfortis is not installed and configured yet, contact your local service organisation.

If you have a newer or older version, go to the Starting with Amfortis overview page.

Applies To:

Amfortis Render - Amfortis Workflow - Amfortis PlateAssembler

Apogee Prepress with Packaging Pack

Before You Begin

1. Download Amfortis Sample Files

Before starting the excercises, download the Amfortis packaging sample files.

2. Load Amfortis Resources

Preferably this step is to be done by a Service Technician.

Download the latest Amfortis resources and extract the zip file on the Apogee server

Start menu > All programs > Agfa > Config Manager (or double click the 'Config Manager' shortcut on desktop). The Configuration Manager can only run on the Apogee server and the Server must be running

Keep all default 'Import/Export' settings but make sure to enable 'Overwrite existing resources and parameter sets on import' (1)

Configuration Manager settings

Click Browse, select the '...\Prepress 13.x Amfortis Resources\Configuration Manager' folder

Click 'Import'

3. Setup client preferences

Open the client and select Edit > Preferences > General

Enable 'Open Layout Editor when imposition is Layout'. This option will automatically open layout editor when creating a new packaging job

Client Preferences

In the 'Viewers' tab, set the Line Appearance to Amfortis Standard Line Appearance Set

Client Preferences

Click 'OK' to save the preferences

Overview Packaging Tutorials

Packaging Tutorials for Amfortis Render - Amfortis Workflow - Amfortis PlateAssembler

➯ If you have remarks or questions concerning the Amfortis tutorials, please email us.