Context Menu Item | Description |
Save As... | Allows you to save the ticket with a different name. |
Save As Template... | Allows you the save the ticket as a Ticket Template. |
Export Hot Ticket PPD | Create PPD for Hot Ticket - Allows you to create a PPD file for the selected Hot Ticket. |
Upload Document | Allows you to add a file to a Hot Ticket. |
Invite PrintSphere Uploader | Shows the dialog box where you can invite someone to upload documents via PrintSphere. |
Delete Hot Ticket | Deletes the selected Hot Ticket. |
Edit Hot Ticket | Displays the selected Hot Ticket using the default editor, where you can modify it. |
Edit Production Plan | Opens the JTE Window in Production Plan tab for the selected job (Service access level only). |
Edit Imposition | Opens the Apogee Impose module to edit the imposition of the job. |
Duplicate Ticket | Duplicates the selected job and opens the result with the most appropriate editor. |
Select | • All - Selects all Hot Tickets in the current view. • None |
Enable Inputs | Re-activates all input channels for the selected Hot Ticket(s). By default, input channels are enabled. This option is disabled if all Hot Ticket(s) have their inputs enabled. |
Disable Inputs | De-activates all input channels for the selected Hot Ticket(s). This option is disabled if all Hot Ticket(s) have their inputs disabled. A Hot Ticket cannot produce any jobs while disabled. |
Log for Hot Ticket | Opens a Log window for the selected Hot Ticket. |
Help | Opens context-sensitive help for the currently selected item. If no specific help is available for the selected item, then more general context help is displayed. |