Software > Connectivity
ConnectivityTotal Documents: 8
KnowledgeBase25-OCT-2024Agfa Apogee StoreFront is a web-to-print solution that enables you to create and manage online stores for offset as well as digital print.
KnowledgeBase24-OCT-2024Apogee WebApproval 8 is a web portal that adds file upload and approval capabilities to the Apogee Prepress workflow. It gives customers as well as CSRs (customer service representatives) an up-to-date view on the status of their jobs, 24/7 and from any location with internet access.
KnowledgeBase24-OCT-2024Computer to plate has changed the way plates are produced, especially regarding the deadline. :Apogee Prepress and PlateMaker support any CtP device to deliver plates in time before the press starts.
KnowledgeBase24-OCT-2024InkDrive has several new features. The most important new feature is the ability to context-click on a result and re-send the InkDrive data for that flat. This allows the user to send only a single re-make.
KnowledgeBase24-OCT-2024To shorten the setup time in the finishing department, :Apogee Prepress can generate page and cutting information which can be consumed by JDF/JMF capable finishing equipment. Cutting blocks are transferred through JDF to the cutting devices, which support JMF information.
KnowledgeBase24-OCT-2024:Apogee Integrate is designed to accommodate the production needs of large commercial printing operations. For maximum automation, communication through JDF is provided to connect :Apogee Integrate with any JDF enabled MIS system. Through JDF intake, prepress tasks are defined and jobs are automatically processed.
KnowledgeBase14-NOV-2024Digital Light Table, Marquee Zoom and Color Managed Preview in Raster Preview of Apogee PlateMaker 7.
KnowledgeBase24-OCT-2024Since Apogee 7 it is no longer possible to put jobs on hold that are currently being plated or have been pre-fetched. Also, jobs that are sent to the platesetter without user intervention are automatically sent to the Handled list in the PlateMaker Client.