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KnowledgeBase24-OCT-2024PDFRender 2.0 introduces several enhancements to Adobe's rendering technology. This update brings more stability, speed and functionality to your workflow by layering customized Agfa technology over the core Adobe code set.

KnowledgeBase24-OCT-2024:Apogee Prepress can render each page individually and then impose the rendered pages, using the Digital Quickstrip functionality. This in contrast with rendering the complete imposed file. With Digital QuickStrip, each PDF file will be rendered before they are combined within a composed file. This offers the user an extended delivery time, an simplified approval cycle and an easy revision workflow.

KnowledgeBase24-OCT-2024Imposed files are hard to proof on a, for example A4 laser printer. To make this possible, the Split for Proof functionality will split up a defined Impositioning file into a 1-up or 2-up output without any restrictions. This way, a dummy booklet can be created in an automatic way.

KnowledgeBase24-OCT-2024Its all about ROOM...Raster Once, Output Many.
To increase the output performance, :Apogee Prepress can re-image rendered data to save time. The rendered data can also be used as a base for a digital film proof.

KnowledgeBase24-OCT-2024When you export PDFs from Apogee Prepress 7, they export as the highest PDF version available.

KnowledgeBase24-OCT-2024In order to print double sided on a GDI Proofer you will need to use a collect for output action and group by job, sheet or signature. You will also need to configure the Windows spooler to print double sided.