Variable | Description |
$BOOKSIGNATURE | The prefix-based name of the book signature when used in a split-for-proof flow using Apogee Impose. Otherwise resolves to $SIGNATURE. |
$CALCURVE | The name of the calibration curve used to print a separation. If a separation contains several objects with different curves, only the name of the first one is used. |
$CIP3PAPERTYPE | The CIP3 paper type derived from the paper type that corresponds with the press sheet paper stock. (same as HDMPaperTypeFront or CIP3AdmPaperGrade) |
COLLECT_TEMPLATENAME | The name of the ticket template that is to be used for a job created by the collecting hot ticket. |
$COMMENTS | The “Remarks” field in the Administration tab. |
$COMMENTS_1-10 | The “n”-th paragraph of text in the Remarks field of the Administration tab. A paragraph is a single line of text, delimited by paragraph marks or by the start or end of the text. |
$COMPANY | The “Company” field in the Customer Contact information. |
$COMPANYADDRESS | The “Address” field of the customer’s company. |
$COMPANYCITY | The “City” field of the customer’s company. |
$COMPANYCOUNTRY | The “Country” field of the customer’s company. |
$COMPANYPHONE | The “Phone” field of the customer’s company. |
$COMPANYSTATE | The “State” field of the customer’s company. |
$COMPANYZIP | The “Zip” field of the customer’s company. |
$COMPUTER | The name of the Hardware System on which the current Task Processor (or service) is running. |
$CONTACTEMAIL | The “E-mail” field of the customer’s contact person. |
$CONTACTFIRST | The “First” field of the customer’s contact person. |
$CONTACTLAST | The “Last” field of the customer’s contact person. |
$CONTACTMOBILE | The “Mobile” field of the customer’s contact person. |
$CONTACTPHONE | The “Phone” field of the customer’s contact person. |
$CONTACTTITLE | The Title field of the customer's contact person. |
$COPYCOUNT | The Requested Copy Count of an Image (S&D jobs only, sets number of copies of the part that is associated with that image). |
$CPM | The Calibrated Printing Mode used for the job. |
$CUTTER | The name of the cutting device set for the job. |
$DATE | The current date (i.e. the date when the variable is resolved). Insert a space when combining this variable with other variables, e.g. \\$SYSTEMCOMPUTER\ArchiveRoot\$DATE:%Y%m \$JOB\ |
$DESCRIPTION | The Description field in the Administration tab. |
$DEVICE | The name of the output device. |
$DEVICEGROUP | The name of the device group to which the used output device belongs. For system device groups, $DEVICE and $DEVICEGROUP are identical. |
$DOCPAGE | The page number (index) of a page in its document, starting at 1. |
$DOCPAGELABEL | The (text) label of a page in its document. Defaults to $DOCPAGE if there is no label. |
$DOCPAGETRIMBOX | The trim box of a page, expressed as "<W> x <H>", whereby <W> and <H> are "<value> <units>". The units are determined by the international settings of the server, and can be in mm or inches. |
$DOCUMENT | Document title (set by %%Title). |
$DOCUMENTAUTHOR | The author of the (PDF) document. |
$DOCUMENTBASENAME | The filename of a document, excluding path and extension. Defaults to $DOCUMENT for documents arriving via streamed input channels. |
$DOCUMENTCREATOR | The creator of the (PDF) document. |
$DOCUMENTEXTENSION | The extension of a document, excluding the separation point. Defaults to $FORMAT for documents arriving via streamed input channels. |
$DOCUMENTFILENAME | The filename of a document, including extension but excluding path. Defaults to $DOCUMENT.$FORMAT for documents arriving via streamed input channels. |
$DOCUMENTLIST | A set of document names in a multi-page result, such as a flat. |
$DOCUMENTPATH | The pathname of a document (excluding the file name) relative to the Hot Folder path. Does not contain the leading or trailing backslash (\). Empty for documents input via streamed input channels. Contains the common path of pre-separated input documents where the separations arrive in different subfolders. |
$DOCUMENTPRODUCER | The producer of the (PDF) document. |
$DOCUMENTREV | Document revision. Empty for the original. “1” for the first revision, etc. |
$FLOWNAME | New SplitJDF; resolves to the Flow Name if there is more than one flow. |
$FLOWTYPE | New SplitJDF; resolves to the Flow Type if there is more than one flow. |
$FORMAT | The 3-letter extension associated with the type of data being processed. |
$HSCALE | The horizontal scale used by the Render Task Processor, expressed as a percentage. See also $SCALE and $VSCALE. |
$HOTFOLDERROOT | Root for all PS/PDF Hot Folders (default in Hot Folder Task Processor). |
$IMPSIGNATURENAME | The name of the selected signature. |
$IMPTEMPLATENAME | The name of the imposition template (name only, no path). |
$INKSET | The name of the inkset as selected in the Generic Press. |
$JDF_ASSEMBLYIDS | The JDF assembly IDs. |
$JDF_CUSTOMERID | The JDF customer ID. |
$JDF_CUSTOMERJOB | The JDF name of the customer job. |
$JDF_CUSTOMERORDER | The JDF name of the customer order. |
$JDF_DESCRIPTIVENAME | Descriptive name per separation. |
$JDFIMPORTROOT | The root for all JDF Hot Folders. (default in JDF Input Task Processor) |
$JDF_JOBDESCRIPTION | The JDF job description. |
$JDF_JOBNAME | The JDF job name. |
$JDF_OPERATOR | The operator name in the JDF file. |
$JDF_ORDERDESCRIPTION | The JDF order description. |
$JDF_ORDERNUMBER | The JDF order number. |
$JDF_PARTNAME | The JDF part name. |
$JDF_PARTVERSION | The JDF part version. |
$JDF_PRODUCTID | The JDF product ID. |
$JDF_PROJECTID | The JDF project ID. |
$JDF_SEPARATION | The JDF separation name. |
$JDF_SHEET | The name of the sheet in the JDF layout. |
$JDF_SIGNATURE | The JDF signature. |
$JOB | The “Job name” field in the Administration tab. |
$JOBDATE | The date when the job was submitted. |
$JOBID | A unique job identifier (intended mainly for internal use). |
$JOBNR | A unique job sequence number. |
$JOBTIME | The time when the job was submitted. |
$LINCURVE | The name of the linearization curve used to print a separation. If a separation contains several objects with different curves, only the name of the first one is used. |
$MEDIANAME | The name of the media. |
$MEDIATYPE | The type of media. |
$MEDIATHICKNESS | The thickness of the media used. |
NONE | Overrides the default behavior of generating no text if the specified variable is not used. To be used without the $ sign and between pipe characters. Example: $COMPANY|NONE| generates the text string NONE if the specified company variable is not used. |
$OPERATOR | The “Operator” field in the Administration tab. |
$ORDER | The “Order number” field in the Administration tab. This is the “Name” field in the Hot Ticket Editor. |
$OUTPUTSIZE | The size of the rendered image for a sheet/plate. For DQS, the size of the bounding box of all rendered elements on that sheet. |
$PLATEID | The platecounter PLATEID. Only supported as a TextMark in the Border which in turn becomes a DeviceMark, which can only be resolved in TP_Output. |
$PAPERGRADE | The paper grade that corresponds with the paper type of the press sheet paper stock. |
$PAPERSTOCK | The name of the press sheet paper stock. |
$PAPERTYPE | The paper type that corresponds with the press sheet paper stock. |
$PAPERWEIGHT | The weight of the press sheet's paper stock. |
$PART | The name of the part. If it contains pages of different parts, the part name of the page with the lowest Run List index is used. |
$PRESS | The name of the press. |
$PRESSPROFILE | The profile of the press. |
$PRINTDATE | The date the job was printed. |
$PRINTMODE | The date the job is printed (yyyymmdd) This format is best suited for creating pathnames that sort properly by name. It also follows the ISO guidelines for date and time formats. |
$PRINTTIME | The time the job was printed. |
$PRODSET | The name of the production set. |
$PRODSETPREFIX | The sheet prefix associated with the production set to which the current sheet belongs. |
$PRODUCTNAME | E.g. 'APOGEE Prepress' (guaranteed to contain NO special characters) |
$PRODUCT_CODE | The code of a product. Resolves to a comma-separated list when the context addresses multiple products. |
$PRODUCT_GRAIN | The grain direction of a product. Resolves to a comma-separated list when the context addresses multiple products. |
$PRODUCT_NAME | The name of a product. Resolves to a comma-separated list for multiple products. |
$PRODUCT_ORDER | The order number of a product. Resolves to a comma-separated list for multiple products. |
$PRODUCT_COPYCOUNT | The requested copy-count of a product. Resolves to a comma-separated list for multiple products. |
$PRODUCT_TOTALPAGES | The number of pages in a product. Resolves to a comma-separated list for multiple products. |
$QUALITY | The output quality as specified in the Layout Editor |
$RESOLUTION | The resolution of the image. |
$RLCOMMENT | Run List comment |
$RLINDEX | The index of the position of a page in the Run List, starting at 1. Do not confuse this with RLPAGE. |
$RLPAGE | The number associated with the position of a page in the Run List. The number of the first position in the Run List is specified by the value of First page at: in the Run List Task Processor. Not to be confused with $RLINDEX. |
$RLPAGE@m | A string of digits of any size, offset from the first page by <m> page positions (you must replace ‘m’ by an offset number). |
$RLPAGE:n | A string of exactly <n> digits. |
$RLPAGE:n@m | A string of exactly <n> digits, offset from the first page by <m> page positions (you must replace ‘m’ by an offset number). |
$RULINGMAP | Name of the RulingMap in case of Application screening, otherwise empty. |
$RUNLENGTH | The run length of the job. |
$SCALE | The scale used by the Render Task Processor, expressed as a percentage. This is replaced by $HSCALE ‘ x ’ $VSCALE when the image is scaled disproportionally. |
$SCREEN | The name of the screen that was used to screen the separation. If a separation contains several objects with different screens, only the name of the first one is used. |
$SCREEN_ANGLE | The angle that was used to screen the separation. If a separation contains several objects with different screens, it is resolved in the same way as the $SCREEN variable. |
$SEPARATION | The color name of the separation. |
$SEPARATIONSHORT | The color name of the separation, but the primary colors are 'C', 'M', 'Y' and 'K'. Other names are abbreviated in the same way they are abbreviated by the custom color bar mark. |
$SHEET | Evaluates to $SIGNATURE for single or no web impositions. Evaluates to $SIGNATURE $WEB for multi-web impositions. |
$SHEET_GRAIN | The grain of the sheet. |
$SHEETVERSION | The `SV<n>' version number of a sheet version, with <n> being the $SHEETVERSIONINDEX. When used on a result that has the default single-version set-up, <n> is the same as the $VERSIONINDEX. |
$SHEETVERSIONINDEX | The index <n> of the sheet version in the sheet version table, starting at 1, per sheet. When used on a result that has the default single-version set-up, <n> is the same as the $VERSIONINDEX. |
$SIDE | The Press Sheet side (“F” for Front, “B” for Back). Note that the SIDE variable maps either to the SIDE or the SIDEA Apogee variables, depending on the setting of the Imposition Service. |
$SIDEA | The name of the web (starting from A). $SIDEA produces a letter that uniquely defines a side (front or back) on a web. The front of web 1 is referred to as A, the back as B; the front of web 2 is C, the back is D, and so on. This does not depend on the imposition template - If the imposition only uses the fronts of two webs, they will be referred to as A (web 1 Front) and C (web 2 front). This variable produces an empty string if the result is not an imposed flat or if the imposition template is not multi-web. |
$SIGNATURE | The number of the signature including the prefix. Produces an empty string if the result is not an imposed flat. |
$SIGNATURENUMBER | The number of the signature without the prefix. Produces an empty string if the result is not an imposed flat. |
$SIGNATUREINDEX | The index of the signature without the prefix. Produces an empty string if the result is not an imposed flat. |
$SIGNATURE_MAIN | Same as $SIGNATURE of the main imposition. Can be used in a 1-up S4P flow to refer to the results of the main imposition. |
$SIGNATURENUMBER_MAIN | Same as $SIGNATURENUMBER of the main imposition Can be used in a 1-up S4P flow to refer to the results of the main imposition. |
$SIGNATUREINDEX_MAIN | Same as $SIGNATUREINDEX of the main imposition Can be used in a 1-up S4P flow to refer to the results of the main imposition.. |
$SIMCURVE | The name of the simulation curve used to print a separation. If a separation contains several objects with different curves, only the name of the first one is used. |
$SLUG1 | First slug-line specified in the output parameters of an output device. |
$SLUG2 | Second slug-line specified in the output parameters of an output device. |
$SLUG3 | Third slug-line specified in the output parameters of an output device. |
$SLUG4 | Fourth slug-line specified in the output parameters of an output device. |
$SYSTEM | The name of the Apogee System. |
$SYSTEMCOMPUTER | The name of the Hardware System. |
$TICKET_TEMPLATENAME | The name of the ticket template that is to be used for a job created by the collecting hot ticket. |
$TIME | The current time (i.e. the time when the variable is resolved). |
$TOTALPAGES | The total number of pages of a job. I.e. the size of the Run Lists when Run Lists are present. Value is -1 when no page count established or no Run List is present. |
$TOTALSHEETS | The total number of press sheets in a job. |
$TOTALPRODUCTS | The total number of products in a job. |
$TRAY | The display name of the engine's current tray that is used. Note that this may change during the course of a job. |
$VERSION | The name of the product version of a result. This is the contents of the second column in the product version table (even if that column is renamed). Can be used for input and output. Note that $VERSION always refers to the second column in the table (i.e. the one after the '#' column), even if you have renamed it. Resolves to a comma separated list of product versions when used on a press sheet that contains multiple product versions. Can be used in read-syntax in Page Assembly of Versioning TP. |
$VERSIONELEMENT<i> | Used in Versioning jobs: the content of the ith version element in the version table. |
$VERSIONELEMENTNAME<i> | Used in Versioning jobs: the name (value of the column header) of the ith version element in the version table. |
$VERSIONINDEX | Used in Versioning jobs: the index of the version in the version table, i.e., its row number, starting at 1. |
$VERSIONSHORT | The `V<n>' short version number of a product version, with <n> being $VERSIONINDEX. I.e., the content of the first column in the product version table. Evaluates to a comma separated list of product versions short names when used on a result that contains multiple product versions. Can be used in read-syntax in Page Assembly of Versioning TP. |
$VSCALE | The vertical scale used by the Render Task Processor, expressed as a percentage. See also $SCALE and $HSCALE. |
$WEB | The number of the web (starting from “1”). Evaluates to an empty string if the result is not an imposed flat or if the imposition template is not multi-web. |
$WEB_MAIN | Same as $WEB of the main imposition. Can be used in a 1-up S4P flow to refer to the results of the main imposition. |
$WEBGROWTHPROFILE | The name of the web-growth profile used for a job (i.e. press parameter). |
$WHITEMODE | The white application mode (pre-white, post-white or sandwich-white) used to print the white on the sheet/layout. Empty if no white. |
$WORKSTYLE | The workstyle used by imposition. Resolves to any of the strings Sheetwise, Work and Turn, Work and Tumble, Single Sided, Perfector. |
$WPS | The displayname of the WebProductionScheme resource. |
Variable Example | Substitution Result |
$CUSTOMER:+ 6 | ECO3??. |
$CUSTOMER:+_6 | ECO3__ |
$CUSTOMER:-_6 | __ECO3 |
$RLPAGE:-03 | 001, 002, 003,... 010, ... (3 character nos, padded up front with 0s) |
$CUSTOMER|NO NAME| | NO NAME (when Customer contact is empty) |
$ORDER-P | 0106G0001-P |
$ORDER:>4 | 0001 |
$ORDER[:4] | 0106 (takes first 4 characters) |
$ORDER[5:] | G0001 (takes characters starting from the 5th character) |
$ORDER[-2:] | 01 (takes last 2 characters) |
$ORDER[:-2] | 0106G000 (takes all characters that precede the last 2 and includes the last but two character) |
Format Code | Description |
%#a, %#A, %#b, %#B, %#p,%#X, %#z, %#Z, %#% | # flag is ignored. |
%#c | Long date and time representation, appropriate for current locale. For example: Tuesday, August 05, 2008, 12:41:29. |
%#x | Long date representation, appropriate to current locale. For example: Tuesday, August 05, 2008. |
%#d, %#H, %#I, %#j, %#m, %#M, %#S, %#U, %#w, %#W, %#y, %#Y | Remove leading zeros (if any). |
Date and Time formatting options | |
%a | Abbreviated weekday name (first 3 chars). |
%A | Full weekday name. |
%b | Abbreviated month name (first 3 chars). |
%B | Full month name. |
%c | Date and time representation appropriate for locale. |
%d | Day of month as decimal number (01 - 31). |
%j | Day of year as decimal number (001 - 366). |
%m | Month as decimal number (01 - 12). |
%U | Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 - 53). |
%w | Weekday as decimal number (0 - 6; Sunday is 0). |
%W | Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 - 53). |
%x | Date representation for current locale. |
%y | Year without century, as decimal number (00 - 99). |
%Y | Year with century, as decimal number. |
%z, %Z | Time-zone name or abbreviation; no characters if time zone is unknown. |
%c | Date and time representation appropriate for locale. |
%H | Hour in 24-hour format (00 - 23). |
%I | Hour in 12-hour format (01 - 12). |
%M | Minute as decimal number (00 - 59). |
%p | Current locales A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock. |
%S | Second as decimal number (00 - 59). |
%X | Time representation for current locale. |
%z, %Z | Time-zone name or abbreviation; no characters if time zone is unknown. |
%% | Percent sign. |
Format String | Result | Remarks |
$DATE | 07/09/03 | Depends on locale. Equivalent to %x. |
$TIME | 11:14:45 | Depends on locale. Equivalent to %X. |
$DATE:% | A Wednesday | |
$DATE:%c | Wed Jul 9 11:16:49 2003 | Depends on locale. |
${DATE:Week %j} | Week 190 | |
$DATE:%A%f | Wednesdayf | %f printed as literal. |
${DATE:Hello World} | Hello World | Printed as literal. |
$DATE:+ 5 | + 5 | Width modifier printed as literal. |
$DATE:%y%m%d | 030709 | |
$DATE:%Y%m%d | 20030709 | Case matters! |