Message Board
The Message Board consists of a Filter pane, Message List, Acknowledge Pane, and Interaction pane.
The Filter and Message List work together: The messages displayed are determined by the filter (if any) you apply.
The Acknowledge and Interaction panes work together: They display detailed information on the selected message, and let you decide how the alert should be handled.
Filter pane
The Filter pane allows you to specify which types of messages are displayed in the Message Board. For example, you may only want to see critical warnings, or be notified when user intervention is required. You apply a filter by clicking the Filter icon, and specifying your filter options.
The Filter pane also indicates how many messages have been generated, and how many of these messages have been selected, read, and acknowledged.
When a filter has been used, you will see the text:
Notice that the Filter icon is colored green when the filter has been applied.
By default, all messages are displayed (i.e. no filter is applied).
For example, if you see the text:
18 new messages, 21 messages displayed
This means there are 21 messages in total, of which 3 have been read and acknowledged. In this case, no filter is applied.
Message List
The Message List displays the status, date, location, and description of each message.
Message status
One of the following status symbols is displayed:
The Apogee system issued a critical message.
The job has stopped pending user interaction.
The job has generated an error, and has stopped.
The job has generated a warning.
WebApproval message: A message on this job (or results) was received from WebApproval.
The job has generated an information message.
NOTE: These status symbols also appear in the Job List.
Date occurred
Displays the time and date at which the message was generated. You can sort the messages according to date by clicking the arrow in this column header. Each time you click the arrow, the sort is toggled between ascending and descending order.
Displays the name of the job, device, or system which generated the message. If this is a job, then the job order number is also displayed in parentheses. You can sort the messages according to location by clicking the arrow in this column header. Each time you click the arrow, the sort is toggled alphabetically between ascending and descending order.
Displays an abbreviated version of the message. You can view the full message by selecting it. You can sort the messages according to description by clicking the arrow in this column header. Each time you click the arrow, the sort is toggled alphabetically between ascending and descending order.
Message background color
Each message row has a colored background:
The message has not yet been Acknowledged.
This is the currently selected message.
The message has been Acknowledged.
Acknowledge pane
The Acknowledge pane displays information and the acknowledgement status of the currently selected message in the Message List.
Message summary
Displays the summarized message text from the Message List Description column.
Reported by
Indicates which Task Processor generated the message, and when, in the format “Reported by <Task Processor> at <time and date>”.
Acknowledgement status
Indicates who (if anybody) first acknowledged the message, and when, in the format “acknowledged by <user> at <time and date>”.
Acknowledgement button
Click this button once you have read the message. Any Errors or Warnings that you acknowledge are removed from the Message List. User Interaction messages remain in the list until the required action has been taken.
Notification/Interaction pane
Notification message
Displays a more detailed version of the message. Some messages are followed by a suggested course of action, such as:
“There is no location for exporting the system log. The default C:\Apogee Prepress\SysLog\$DATE.log will be used”
Interactive dialog buttons.
Some messages include interactive dialog buttons which allow you to correct the cause of the error or warning. For example, Retry, Abort Task, Update, Don’t Update, or Yes/No buttons.
The Edit Job button always appears for job notification messages. You can click this button to edit the job directly, and correct the problem. The Edit Job button is not available for System messages.
NOTE: If you select more than one message, you will see no specific message information, only “x messages selected”.
doc. version 13.1.1