Together with the Render Task Processor, the Display Task Processor allows you to create results for in Raster Preview. By taking into account the specifics of a given display device, the Renderer can create optimized, 8-bit results for viewing on this device.
Aolor-managed display proof allows you to preview rendered results using color management to convert the press color space to the monitor color space based on ICC profiles. With a calibrated monitor environment and correctly configured monitor profile, contract-proofing quality should be achieved. This is a licensed feature.
The Display Task Processor represents a computers’ display device (also referred to as ‘monitor’). In order to display high frequency elements —such as fine text or line art— properly on a monitor, the image must be rendered at a sufficiently high resolution. To guarantee that the image is displayed with the correct size, the rendered resolution must be an integer multiple of 2 of the display’s hardware resolution (dpi).
To accomplish this when preparing a result for color-managed display proofing, the Renderer creates a set of images, starting at half the display’s hardware resolution (dpi) and each one having twice the resolution (dpi) of the previous one. For example, if the display’s hardware resolution (dpi) is 96 dpi, the Renderer creates images at 48, 96, 192, 384, and 768 dpi. The actual number of images created depends on the job’s settings.
When viewing the results, Raster Preview selects the proper image, according to the zoom factor you choose. However, you cannot zoom in to ‘raster’ (1-bit) zoom level, simply because there is no 1-bit raster data. You need to preview the high resolution main flow to do that.
Associated Resources
When you select the Display Task Processor in the System Overview, the following associated resource categories are displayed in the Resources pane: