Export Settings
You can access these settings:
When creating Parameter Sets (see “Managing Parameter Sets”). Here, you will see a ‘Lock in Production Plan’ check box (selected by default). If this check box is selected, the settings will be initially locked in the Settings pane. If this check box is deselected, the settings can be edited in the Settings pane.
In the Settings pane, in the Plan tab of the Job Manager and the Ticket Editor. The settings may be initially locked, as indicated by the Lock icon. If you edit the job, you can unlock them as described in “Settings Pane (Ticket Editor)”.
The Export settings are divided into two tabs, one dealing with export format options, and the other dealing with the destination options.
The name of the Parameter Set as it will appear in the Production Plan. When you create a Parameter Set, you should specify a Parameter Set name. You can always change this name later by editing the job, choosing the Parameter Set from the Task Processor in the Plan tab, and unlocking the settings in the Settings pane.
You can specify the format in which you want to export the results. There are two options:
PS - PostScript format
PDF format
Save result as PS
Insert PostScript header
If you select this check box, the associated list box is enabled, where you can select the PostScript header that you want to insert in your exported file. For more information, refer to “PostScript Headers”.
Manual Feed
Select Tray
Compare against
If you have enabled Alternate Images in your Normalizer configuration (Service access level is required to do this), then a set of alternate low resolution images will be created. You can configure the Export Task Processor to remove either the high or low resolution images from your files by choosing one of the following:
High resolution only
Select this option if you are going to print the output. You should also always select this option when certification is used (see below).
Low resolution only (for display)
Select this option if you are not going to print the output.
NOTE: PostScript files cannot contain both resolutions.
Preserve original trimbox
Expand to include image’s border
Save result as PDF
Allows you to control the trimbox:
Preserve original trimbox: The exported PDF file has the same trimbox as the original PDF. In other words, the existing trimbox remains unchanged.
Expand to include borders: The trim box of the exported PDF file is changed to include a border added by Apogee. If there is no border, the trim box remains unchanged.
If you have enabled Alternate Images in your Normalizer configuration (Service access level is required to do this), then a set of alternate low resolution images will be created in your PDF files. You can specify which versions of the images you want to include in the exported PDF by choosing one of the following:
NOTE: This only applies to PDFs which contain images.
Include as is
The exported PDF will contain whatever images are present in the document that was input of the Export Task Processor. Although this requires no processing, the disadvantage is that you cannot be sure about the image content of the exported PDF. You should therefore not select this unless you are sure about the input to the Export Task Processor.
Include high and low resolution
The exported PDF will contain a high resolution and a low resolution version of each image.
NOTE: The exported PDF will contain exactly one alternate image, regardless of the number of alternate images in the incoming PDF.
Optimize for display: Select this check box to control which version to use as the main image. When you view a file in Acrobat, you will see the main images. When the PDF is created with viewing in mind, the low resolution image is the main image, and the high resolution image is the alternate image. The images can be tagged so that when printing the file, the high resolution image is used. However, some application may not honor this tag; they simply assume the main image is the one you need. In that case, you must make the high resolution version the main one.
Optimize for display
Main image
Alternate image
low resolution
high resolution
high resolution
low resolution
Create low resolution images: Allows you to choose how to include the low resolution images:
Always: Apogee will generate a low resolution version at the specified target resolution by down-sampling the high resolution image. This ensures that the low resolution version is synchronized with the high resolution version. The drawback is that creating low resolution images takes some time.
Only if not present: Apogee will simply use the low resolution image if it is present. If it is not present, Apogee creates one at the specified target resolution.
Only if different resolution: Apogee will only use low resolution images if they match the specified target resolution.
Target: Specify the desired target resolution, in pixels per mm.
Include high resolution only
Apogee keeps the high-resolution images in the exported files and discards the low-resolution images. Use this when sending files to be printed, especially when you require certification.
NOTE: ‘High resolution’ simply refers to the image version with the highest resolution, even if this highest resolution is only 12 dpi. To ensure the PDF is press-ready, you should therefore use a Preflight action to check the resolution.
Include low resolution only (display)
Apogee keeps the lowest resolution images in the exported files and discards the high-resolution images. Use this when you want to export small files (e.g. for mailing them to the client for inspection). To ensure you really send low resolution images, select “Always” create low resolution images.
Create low resolution images: Allows you to choose how to include the low resolution images:
Always: Apogee will generate a low resolution version at the specified target resolution by down-sampling the high resolution image. This ensures that the low resolution version is synchronized with the high resolution version. The drawback is that creating low resolution images takes some time.
Only if not present: Apogee will simply use the low resolution image if it is present. If it is not present, Apogee creates one at the specified target resolution.
Only if different resolution: Apogee will only use low resolution images if they match the specified target resolution.
Target: Specify the desired target resolution, in pixels per mm.
Specify whether or not to include thumbnails:
Include thumbnails
When you choose to include them, you have the same “Create” options as with images. Note that the default thumbnail resolution is 12 dpi.
Exclude thumbnails
Makes a PDF without thumbnails, removing existing thumbnails.
Thumbnails as is
Keeps the existing thumbnails, if any.
Choose one of the following options:
No options are visible in this pane if you select this option.
Certify with Enfocus Preflight/Run Enfocus Preflight
You can choose to combine the export with a preflight check. Click the associated profile list and choose one of the available preflight profiles from the Preflight Profiles resource category.
When certification fails
You need to specify how Export should proceed if certification fails:
Notify: The export is halted, and a notification message is generated.
Continue and put in sub-directory: The export continues, and the results are written to the folder of your choice.
Save Preflight report next to PDF file
Select this option to save the preflight report when a PDF file is written. This happens when the certification succeeds, or when the certification fails with the 'Continue' option selected. The report file is saved in the same directory as the PDF file.
Only for warnings and errors: Saves the preflight report only when there were warnings or errors. When there are no warnings or errors, no report is written.
Save Apogee Preflight report
Choose one of the following options:
Only for fixes, warnings and errors
Ignore out-of-date reports
Require a password to open the PDF file
You can prevent the reader from opening the PDF file. To open such a protected document, the reader must provide the password that is specified in the Open Document Password field.
Prevent editing and printing of the PDF file
You can prevent the printing and/or editing of the PDF file. In order to print and/or edit the document, the reader first needs to change the permissions after opening the document. Changing the permissions requires the password specified in the Change Permissions Password field. Even in a restricted document, you can grant permission for the reader to:
Allow high-resolution printing
Allow all editing
Output via
You can select the required output channel from the drop-down list.
LPR (PostScript output only)
AppleTalk (PostScript output only)
TCP/IP (PostScript output only)
Windows Spooler (PostScript output only)
Select how you want Export to create files:
Single file per job
Single file per signature
Single file per web
Single file per side
Single file per page
Single file per Run List page
Single file per book signature
Save files in
Select a folder structure in which you can store your output files.
Directory hierarchy
The files will be saved in the specified subdirectory hierarchy (e.g. $ORDER\$JOB\$DOCPAGE).
Same directory
The files will be all be saved at the same directory hierarchy (e.g. $ORDER_$JOB_$DOCPAGE).
The variables will be separated by a slash if you select Directory hierarchy. This means that a directory will be made according to the file name. The variables will be separated by an underscore if you select Same directory.
The folder structure corresponds to the following variable string:
...followed by variables corresponding to your selected “Create” criteria.
For example, if you chose to create a “Single file per signature” and save files in a Directory hierarchy, a directory would be automatically created based on the following variables: $ORDER\$JOB\$SIGNATURE.
Export directory
You can specify to which directory you want to export your results. Again, you can use variables to create it automatically, or you can also use the Browse button to locate the directory.
File extension
Specify the format of the result that you want to export.
Truncate file names exceeding 31 characters
If the filename is longer than the specified amount, Apogee truncates it. Select this check box to prevent file names from becoming too long.
Replace existing files
If a file with the same name already exists in the specified export directory, then the file is automatically replaced by the newly exported file.
Leave existing files, add sequence number to new file names
If a file with the same name already exists in the specified export directory, then a revision number is added to the name of the newly exported file.
Create APOXML file
The ApoXML section allows you to export an ApoXML file for each exported file. The ApoXML file can contain system- and user-specified variables for the exported result. You must select an XSLT to control the output of the file.
Post-process files with script
Select this check box if you want to process the files with a certain script file. You can specify the script in the field next to the check box. You can use the Browse button to locate the required script file.
Script options
Here, you can specify command options.
FTP output is similar to file output. However, here you also need to specify the FTP server (Host and Port), and the Username and Password with which Apogee can log into that server. Leave Username and Password empty to use anonymous FTP. In this case, the system administrator’s e-mail address will be used as password.
You can also select whether to use Passive FTP mode or not. If you are behind a firewall, you may need to use a proxy. You can use the core server’s proxy configuration (which may require no proxy server), or you can specify one yourself. Leave the User name and Password empty if you do not need to authenticate.
NOTE: The Base directory is relative to the login home directory.
LPR (PostScript output only)
The LPR options are applicable when you choose to print results using the LPR protocol. The LPR output requires the Host and Queue name you want to connect to.
AppleTalk (PostScript output only)
The AppleTalk options are applicable when you choose to print results using the AppleTalk protocol. AppleTalk output requires the Zone and Printer name you want to connect to.
TCP/IP (PostScript output only)
The TCP/IP options are applicable when you choose to print results using the TCP/IP protocol. TCP/IP output requires the Host and Port name you want to connect to.
Windows Spooler (PostScript output only)
The Windows Spooler options are applicable when you choose to print results using the Windows Spooler. Windows Spooler output requires the name of the printer you want to connect to.
doc. version 13.1.1