If you select the Apogee in the Hardware pane, you will see the Logging icon in the Resources pane.
By double-clicking the Logging icon, you can access the settings related to the Logging activity of Apogee. These allow you to control different aspects of the logging such as the logging schedule, export directory for log files or the items to be logged.
Administrator access level only!
Logging Settings
Select the Apogee -click the Logging icon to access the Logging settings.
Administrator access level only!
System Log
This tab allows you to specify which events should be logged and when they should be removed from the system.
Events to log
Select the appropriate check box to include the required events in the log:
User interactions (start, stop, restart, put online, put offline)
This includes Task Processor statuses such as start, shutdown, hold or resume.
Errors & warnings
This includes the error status of Task Processors, device statuses such as error, online and offline and non-informative notifications with their reply.
Informative messages
Important job-related actions such as job editing.
Major Task Processor events (start, stop)
This includes statuses such as boot or shutdown of Task Processors.
Housekeeping tasks
This refers to cleanup tasks such as or deleting.
Log Clean up
Choose a schedule for cleaning up the system log:
Specify how frequently the clean up should be performed. This may be every day, or a specific day of the week.
Specify the time at which the cleanup can start. You can either type the time or use the up and down arrows to choose it.
Clean Up Now
Click this button the cleanup the System Log immediately, without waiting for the scheduled time. This opens the Clean System Log dialog box. Here you can have all the events instantly removed regardless of their age, or have them first exported and removed afterwards.
Keep log of system events for at least:
Specify the period during which a System event is kept in the log. Once it has exceeded this limit, Apogee will remove the event during the daily cleanup. The minimum period is 1 day.
Specify the period by typing the number in the field and selecting the time unit (days, weeks) in the field next to it. You can use the up and down arrows to select the time unit.
Export events before deletion
Select this check box if you want Apogee to export a copy of the events. This way, you can guarantee that no events will be lost or will appear twice. If you do not select this check box, Apogee will keep all the events, until you clean it manually or switch the option back on.
Export to
Enter the path and filename to be used for exporting the System log. Apogee exports the log after discarding the system events. You can also use the Browse button next to the field to locate the required directory.
There are three possibilities when exporting:
•If the log file already exists, Apogee will try to append the events to the file.
•If it cannot append the events, it will create a new file with a sequence number.
•If there is no existing file, Apogee will create a completely new file.
Job Log
This tab allows you to specify which job events should be logged and when they should be removed from the system.
Events to log
Select the appropriate check box to include the required events in the log:
Media usage
Events related to the use of resources such as film and plate or proofing media.
Used resources
Events related to Resource selection such as screen types, profiles, and linearization curves. Events related to Task Processor parameter sets.
Color Management
Events related to input document color management, press and proofing output color management and spot colors.
Proofing actions
Events related to the proofing result such as waiting, continue, reject.
User interactions
Job related events such as resume, rush, edit. Task Processor related events such as hold, resume, rush. Result related events such as remake.
Errors & warnings
Non-informative notifications and their replies.
Informative messages
Important job-related actions such as job editing.
Parameter updates by Task Processor
when a Task Processor changes the job settings.
Task Life cycle events (created, started, finished)
When a job is created, has started or is finished.
Export job log
Export the job log when a job finishes
Select this check box if you want Apogee to export the job log. This will happen shortly after the job has finished and not during the daily cleanup.
If you remake a job after it has finished, Apogee will append the new events to the existing exported log. If the log has been removed, it will create a new one.
Export as
Enter the path and filename to be used for exporting the Job log. You can also use the Browse button next to the field to locate the required directory.
There are three possibilities when exporting:
•If the log file already exists, Apogee will try to append the events to the file.
•If it cannot append the events, it will create a new file with a sequence number.
•If there is no existing file, Apogee will create a completely new file.
This tab allows you to specify the retention period in weeks, months or years.
Keep Reporting History for
Enter the reporting history period in weeks, months or years.
Cogwheel menu
Compare Configuration
Compares the Logging settings against the default values.
Restore Defaults
Restores all settings to their factory defaults.