Inputting Documents
The final step in job creation is inputting the documents that will become your job data. There are several different ways of doing this, using a variety of input channel types. These input channels specify the locations or methods which you will use to print or drag the documents that you want to input to the Apogee System.
There are two basic types of input channel. You should choose the method(s) which best suit your hardware platform and working environment:
File-based input: This type of input is based on dragging files directly to jobs in the Job List or Hot folders in the Hot Folders list. You can also copy files to the specific folders associated with the following types of input channels:
Hot Folder and Open Connect input channels make the input documents available only to a single job (this is referred to as a Private Page Store ).
PrintSphere Upload is similar to a Hot Folder input channel but files are uploaded to a cloud service by the collaborators of a job who are invited by e-mail.
Public Page Store channels make all input documents available to all jobs.
JDF Import channels allow you to input JDF files generated by 3rd-party applications (such as MIS systems), and convert them to Apogee Job Tickets.
These types of input channels can be assigned specific polling times.
Stream-based input: This type of input is based on printing jobs directly from your front-end applications. For this, you need to define printers associated with the following types of input channels:
Named Pipe channels allow you to print jobs to the Apogee System directly from your Windows front-end applications.
TCP/IP input channels allow you to send jobs to the Apogee System via the Internet.
NOTE: By default, any stream-based input channel is spooled (written to disk). To enable spooling, the Keep Results Action is automatically added to all Input components.
doc. version 13.1.1