Preparing Your Plan
Before starting, it is a good idea to first define the type of you require. This will determine the number and types of and output devices you will need to configure, the number of flows required, and the and you will need.
Job or Hot Ticket?
If you are creating a new ticket, the type of ticket you should choose depends on the number and formats of the documents that you want to process.
Layout Ticket?
Choose a Layout Ticket or Layout Hot Ticket for Sign & Display jobs which are prepared in the Layout editor.
New Ticket or Template?
Apogee provides you with a series of ready-made ticket templates which can be used as a starting point for most types of workflow. Wherever possible, you are advised to start from one of these templates, and adapt it according to your requirements. When you are more familiar with the Apogee , you can of course create new tickets from scratch.
Do You Want one or More Proofing Flows?
If you want to include proofing in your Plan, you will need to add one or more flows to your main . To avoid time-consuming editing later, it is better to sketch out your proposed Production Plan in advance. Remember that Imposition and Page flows must be connected to the main flow at specific points, and must each be configured with their own unique output devices.
Which Components Do You Need in your Plan?
The components you need in your Production Plan depend on the ticket type, and your prepress requirements. There are some rules, however:
•You always need at least one input component, one processing component, and one output component.
•A Job Ticket must have a .
•A Run List is not required for a . Documents are delivered to an input channel, and the input channel creates one job per document.
•If you include the Impose component, you will also need to add a Run List component. You can input multiple documents per job for jobs which require , since not all the documents of the job have to be delivered at the same time.
•When you create a flow using either an imagesetter or platesetter output device, you always need to add a Press Task Processor to the end of the flow. This is not required when you use Export with Trapping, or proofer output devices.
Are All Necessary Resources Available?
By default, Apogee associates some standard Resources (, , etc.) with the available . However, you may need to supplement these with additional resources of your own.