Web Proof
In order to remotely proof a result, you must place a Web Proof action in the Production Plan. This Action may be inserted between two Task Processors in your Production Plan. Web Proof pauses the processing flow as soon as the preceding Task Processor has finished its task.
The Web Proof icon is displayed in Job List when one or more results of a job are on hold pending a Web proof. In this case, the associated Flow Status icon is colored blue.
NOTE: You cannot put a Web Proof Action on a 'PDF flat' path; i.e., between the PDF Impose and Render Task Processors.
In the Results tab, the Job Layout pane indicates graphically which results (pages or flats) are waiting for a Web proof, together with their current status.
The Activity pane indicates where in the Plan the Action was inserted, and which Task Processors (if any) are currently active.
The local operator can continue a result waiting for approval (e.g. at the request of the customer when the internet connection is down). This requires a confirmation.
Web Proof Settings
Results must be continued by local operator as well
When selected, results approved by the remote user must also be approved by the operator before processing is resumed.
Freeze results when approved/continued
Select this check box to prevent results being reprocessed once the pages have been approved by the remote user.
Approval ready by
Here you can set a deadline for approving the web proof. All approvers receive a notification if all the pages have not been approved by the entered date.
doc. version 13.1.1