Folding Schemes Overview
The Folding Schemes dialog box lists all available Folding Schemes sets in the left column, the Folding Schemes for the selected set in the centre column, and the Folding Schemes for each number of pages in the right column.
Folding Scheme Sets (left column)
This column lists the default Folding Scheme set and any new or modified sets you have created.
New sets can be created for jobs with specific Fold Page requirements or if you want to limit the number of schemes that Apogee Impose can choose from.
A meaningful name, such as ‘booklet’, ‘brochure’, etc.
Folding Scheme list (center column)
This list displays the Folding Schemes grouped by the number of pages to be folded (2, 4, 6, ... pages). Each entry in this list (e.g. F6-1) represents several different Folding Schemes for that particular number of pages (F6-1, F6-2, ...).
Only schemes with the check box selected are considered by Apogee Impose for the Auto Impose feature. A grey arrow indicates that not all folding schemes for that particular number of pages are selected.
All Folding Schemes are available for manual imposition.
Folding Schemes are organized by the number of pages to be folded for the Fold Sheet.
Top Pick
Indicates the Folding Scheme which has the highest priority for the selected number of pages.
Folding Scheme Overview (right column)
The different Folding Schemes are displayed for a particular number of pages.
Folding schemes can be added, edited or deleted and also moved up and down the list to set their priority. The selected scheme which is the highest in the list, is the Top Pick and the one that appears in the center column for that particular number of pages.
Only schemes with the check box selected are considered by Apogee Impose for the Auto Impose feature. All Folding Schemes are available for manual imposition.
The standardized CIP4 name or another name for a user-defined Folding Scheme.
Abbreviation for Columns x Rows; e.g. 4 x 2 means 2 rows of 4 pages.
Folding Sequence
The notation for how the Fold Sheet is folded.