Asanti Help : About This Online Help : Starting and Navigating Help
Starting and Navigating Help
The online Help is viewed in the standard browser set for your operating system and uses a responsive design to accommodate a wide range of screen sizes. This means that some navigation features may be displayed or hidden, depending on the size of the screen you are viewing this documentation on. For example, the table of contents may be hidden if you are viewing the documentation on a small screen. Use the buttons in the top navigation bar to browse through the documentation.
You can view topics in the online Help by expanding the sections in the Contents panel and clicking a heading. You can continue to read in sequence by pressing the Next button in the navigation toolbar.
As you progress, the hierarchy of each specific topic is indicated at the top of the topic pane in the breadcrumb trail. You can click any one of these levels to go back to a higher level in the hierarchy.
You can also jump to Related Topics, to additional information within the documentation set and to internet sites. All these links are highlighted in red. In these cases you navigate back and forward by clicking the Back and Forward buttons on the browser tool bar.
Starting the online Help 
*In Asanti, press F1
Choose Help > Apogee Prepress Help.
The online Help opens on the first page.
Choose Help > Icons, Keyboard Shortcuts or Variables to jump directly to one of these sections in the Help.
To open context-sensitive Help 
Context-sensitive Help provides specific information about the window or panel you are working in.
*In Asanti, context-click in a window or a section of a window, or on an icon, and click Help at the bottom of the context menu.
Choose Help > What’s This? and click in the panel that you require help for.
The Help opens on the relevant page.
To view and print the icon, shortcut and variable overviews 
1 Choose Help > Icons.
A new browser window opens, containing an overview of all icons.
2 Click the Print button in the top right corner.
You can use the printed version of the Icon Overview as a Quick Reference Card. It is recommended to print the overview on a color printer.
You can use this same procedure to view and print the Keyboard Shortcuts and Variables overviews.
Illustrations and Animations 
Large images have been reduced in size to display properly in the Help topics.
*Hover over an image and if the cursor changes to a hand you can click the image to view it full size. Click the X to close the image and return to the Help topic.
Expanding topics 
Headings with a triangle are collapsed to provide a better overview of the information.
*Click the heading or the colored triangle to expand the topic.
doc. version 6.1.1