Asanti Help : Getting Started : Customizing Your Work Area
Customizing Your Work Area
When you start the Asanti Client, the Jobs window is automatically opened. From here, you can open the other Main windows (Hot Tickets and System Overview), and arrange all three windows on your desktop.
You can reposition and resize each window, and adjust the panes inside the windows. Most of these panes can be resized by dragging the pane borders. Some panes also have an expansion triangle. This is a small triangular icon in the centre edge of the pane pointing either to the right or left. For example, the Job List pane in the Jobs window has an expansion triangle on the right edge. You can close the pane, and open it again by clicking on this expansion triangle.
When you quit the Client, any adjustments you have made to the positions and sizes of the windows and panes are saved. The next time you start the Client, The Jobs window will open with these new settings. When you open the other Main window, these too are restored with the last settings used (position and size).
To adjust the width of a paneĀ 
1 Select a pane, and position the mouse pointer over the one of the borders.
If the pointer changes to a two-headed arrow, you can adjust it.
2 Click and drag the pointer to the left or right, and release the mouse button.
doc. version 6.1.1