Job Icons
Asanti displays Job icons in the Job or Order No columns of the Job List. These icons indicate the type of job, as well as whether or not the Run List is complete.
With the exception of the Job folder icon, all the basic Job icons may be super-imposed with one or more additional icon indicators. These provide supplementary status information, and allow you to make a highly detailed visual assessment of your jobs by simply looking at the Job List.
These icon indicators may be combined, so that up to 4 additional items of information may be displayed for any of the Job icons (see “Job Icon Combinations (Commercial Jobs)” below).
Job group.
Commercial job with incomplete Run List.
Commercial job with complete Run List.
Rush job (Commercial jobs only).
Commercial job with disabled input channel.
Commercial job is scheduled to be archived when it is finished.
Commercial job has been archived.
Commercial job is scheduled to be deleted when it is finished.
Commercial job has been deleted.
Commercial job is scheduled to be archived and deleted when it is finished.
Commercial job has been archived and deleted.
Job group (based on Order Number).
Commercial job with incomplete Run List.
NOTE: Only the Complete Run List icon is displayed in the Hot Tickets List.
Job Icon Combinations (Commercial Jobs)
The following table lists all the possible icon combinations you may see for Commercial jobs.
Job status
& deleting
& deleting
& deleted
Incomplete Run List
Incomplete Run List
disabled input
Incomplete Run List
rushed job
Incomplete Run List
disabled input+rushed job
Complete Run List
Complete Run List
disabled input
Complete Run List
rushed job
Complete Run List
disabled input+rushed job
doc. version 6.1.1