Asanti Help : Previewing Job Results : Measuring Line Frequency
Measuring Line Frequency
This section describes how to measure the line frequency of a separation.
To measure the line frequency of a separation 
1 Select the Preview window which contains the separation you want to measure.
2 Select the Measurement tool.
3 Zoom the image so that you can see the raster dots.
When you do this, you will see that
4 Select a dot, and drag the mouse pointer along the line of the raster to another dot.
As you move the mouse, Preview counts the number of dots along the line and automatically calculates the line frequency. The readout in the Status bar shows the number of dots found and the resulting frequency. The frequency is displayed in line per inch (lpi) or lines per cm (lpc), depending on the units you specified in your Preferences.
doc. version 6.1.1