To switch between tabs... | Press (Windows) |
Select the next tab. | CTRL + Tab |
Select the previous tab. | SHIFT + CTRL + Tab |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Expand all jobs. | CTRL + click the ‘+’ icon of a collapsed job |
Collapse all open jobs. | CTRL + click the ‘-’ icon of a collapsed job or simply CTRL + F5 |
Purge a job (complete 1-step delete) | SHIFT + Delete or Delete |
Edit a job. | CTRL + Enter (Numeric keypad) |
Move cursor to Quick Filter text field (Find job). | CTRL + F |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Fill a placeholder with a blank page. | CTRL + B |
Jump to a specific Run List position. | # + Run List position number (do not press simultaneously) |
When dragging pages from the Page Store to the Run List... | Press (Windows) |
To replace pages in the Run List. | SHIFT + drag |
To insert pages in the Run List. | ALT + drag |
To reverse the order of the pages when dragging in the Run List. | Drag and briefly press R |
To reverse the order of the selected placed pages in the Run List. | CTRL +SHIFT + R |
To select even placeholders | E |
To select odd placeholders | O |
When dragging pages within the Run List... | Press (Windows) |
To replace pages in the Run List. | SHIFT + drag |
To insert pages in the Run List. | ALT + drag |
To copy pages in the Run List. | CTRL + drag |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Refresh all templates. | ALT + Refresh |
In the Available Signatures list: • Select a single signature. | Enter |
In the Selected Signatures list: • Find in Available Signatures list. | Enter |
In the Selected Signatures list: • Move selected Signatures. | CTRL + Up/Down arrow |
To... | Press (Windows) |
To lock and unlock the settings of a resource (padlock button) | CTRL + l |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Quit the Apogee Client. | ALT + F4 |
Display Preferences. | CTRL + , |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Open a new print layout. | CTRL + N |
Open the Ticket Template dialog box. | CTRL + N |
Open the JTE with the default ticket template selected. | CTRL + ALT + N |
Open the Layout Editor with the default wide format job ticket template | CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + N |
Select and open a previously saved ticket (*.ajt). | CTRL + O |
Close the current window. Close all windows. | ALT + F4 |
Save the current ticket (Ticket Editor only). | CTRL + S |
Save the ticket with a different name (Ticket Editor only). | CTRL + SHIFT + S |
Save the ticket as a Ticket Template (Ticket Editor only). | CTRL + ALT + S |
Submit a new Ticket to the Apogee System, or submit the changes you’ve made to an existing job (Ticket Editor only). | CTRL + SHIFT + G |
Log on to an Apogee System, or to log off from one. | CTRL + K |
Upload a document. | CTRL + U |
Open in WebApproval | CTRL + SHIFT + M |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Undo the last Cut, Copy, or Paste operation. | CTRL + Z |
Delete the selected text, and copy it onto the clipboard. | CTRL + X |
Copy the selected text onto the clipboard. | CTRL + C |
Paste the contents of the clipboard at the selected location. | CTRL + V |
Delete the current selection. | Delete |
Delete Task Processor and Following. | ALT + Delete |
Edit the selected item. | CTRL + ENTER |
Display the selected item using the default viewer. | ENTER |
Edit job’s imposition | CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER |
Duplicate a job. | CTRL + D |
Merge Jobs. | CTRL + Y |
Rename the selected item. | F2 |
Select all items in the current view. | CTRL + A |
Deselect all items in the current view. | CTRL + SHIFT + A |
Find in Page Store. | CTRL + ALT + F |
Find the selected page in the Results pane. | CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + F |
Find plate identity. | CTRL + H |
Open the “Create Part” dialog box for creating a new part (Product tab only). | CTRL + N |
Set the page size of the selected/associated part(s) to the size of the first placed page in the part’s range in the run list (Product tab only). | CTRL + SHIFT + Z |
Set the name of the selected/associated part(s) to the file name of the first placed page in the part’s range in the run list (Product tab only). | CTRL + SHIFT + X |
Set the page size and name of the selected/associated part(s) (Product tab only). | CTRL + SHIFT + C |
Open the “Adjust Offset” dialog box for the selected page(s)/placeholder(s). | CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + O |
Open the “Adjust Scale” dialog box for the selected page(s)/placeholder(s). | CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + S |
Open the “Adjust Rotation” dialog box for the selected page(s)/placeholder(s). | CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + R |
Remove all adjustments to a page at once. | Delete |
Put a blank page in the selected placeholder(s). | CTRL + B |
Enter Run List position comments | ALT + ; |
Reverse Page Order | CTRL + SHIFT + R |
Preferences | CTRL + , |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Continue | CTRL + G |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Display thumbnail images of all pages in the Job Layout pane. | CTRL + SHIFT+ T |
View Flats Only. | CTRL + SHIFT + F |
View Extra information. | CTRL + T |
Scale Small. | CTRL + - |
Scale Normal. | CTRL + O |
Scale Large. | CTRL + + |
Scale Fit to Window. | CTRL + ALT + O |
View Page Labels. | CTRL + SHIFT + L |
Display the run list indexes next to the numbers in run list. | CTRL + SHIFT + N |
View Extended Page Adjustments. | CTRL + SHIFT + E |
Columns Front or Back | N/A |
Columns Fill Width | N/A |
Show/hide Devices pane | CTRL + ALT + 1 |
Show/hide Job List pane | CTRL + ALT + 2 |
Show/hide Flow Activity pane | CTRL + ALT + 3 |
Show/hide Production Sets pane | CTRL + ALT + 4 |
Show/hide Separations pane | CTRL + ALT + 5 |
View All Versions | CTRL + \ |
View Previous Version | CTRL + [ |
View Next Version | CTRL + ] |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Zoom In. | CTRL + + |
Zoom Out. | CTRL + - |
Size to Fit. | CTRL + O |
Show Actual Pixels. | CTRL + ALT + O |
Toggle full screen mode | F or F11 |
Show Info. | CTRL + I |
Show / Hide Grid. | CTRL + ALT + ‘ |
Next Sheet. | Right arrow |
Previous Side. | Left arrow |
First Side. | Home |
Last Side. | End |
Turn Sheet. | CTRL + T |
Previous Version | CTRL + [ |
Next Version | CTRL + ] |
Color-Managed. | ALT + C |
Light Table. | ALT + L |
Toggle depth-map mode | ALT + H |
Toggle Web-growth compensation mode | ALT + G |
Display annotations | ALT + A |
Toggle the display of the selected Rule-ups. | ALT + R |
Press Sheet. | ALT + P |
Device Output. | ALT + D |
Transform -> Rotate 90 CW. | ALT + T |
Transform -> Rotate 90 CCW. | ALT + SHIFT + T |
Transform -> Flip Horizontal. | ALT + F |
Transform -> Flip Horizontal. | ALT + SHIFT + F |
Invert | ALT + SHIFT + I |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Toggle on/off the Marquee tool. | M |
Toggle on/off the Hand tool. | H |
Toggle on/off the Zoom tool. | Z |
Toggle on/off the Measurement tool. | I |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Minimize the current window. | N/A |
Display the System Overview. | CTRL + 1 |
Display the Hot Tickets window. | CTRL + 2 |
Display the Jobs window. | CTRL + 3 |
Display the Message Board. | CTRL + 4 |
Display Info for <selected item>. | CTRL + I |
Display Activity for <selected item>. | CTRL + J |
Display Remarks | CTRL + R |
Palettes: Show Navigator | CTRL+ ALT+ A |
Palettes: Show Inks | CTRL+ ALT+ I |
Palettes: Show Rule-ups | CTRL+ ALT+ U |
Palettes: Show Versions | CTRL+ ALT+ V |
Palettes: Hide Tools | CTRL+ ALT+ T |
Display the Log for <selected item>. | CTRL + L |
Cycle forward through Windows or Raster Preview palettes. | TAB |
Cycle backward through Windows or Raster Preview palettes. | N/A |
Display Problem Report for selected job. | CTRL + SHIFT + I |
Display Preflight Report for selected job. | CTRL + E |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Display the Apogee Help. | F1 |
Display the What’s This? Help. | SHIFT + F1 |
To | Press |
Add Product | CTRL + SHIFT + O |
Get Info | CTRL + I |
Show Preflight Report | CTRL + E |
Open in Production Center | CTRL + SHIFT + M |
Open in Production Dashboard | CTRL + SHIFT + D |
Submit | CTRL + SHIFT + G |
Undo last action | CTRL + Z |
Redo last undone action | CTRL + Y |
Remove selected object(s) and store in clipboard | CTRL + X |
Copy selected object(s) to pasteboard | CTRL + C |
Paste contents of pasteboard: frame or group onto a sheet, separation on a product. | CTRL + V |
Delete selected object(s). | Del |
Place additional copy of the placed items on the sheet in the next available position. If there is not enough room, the items will be added into a new sheet. | CTRL + D |
Step and Repeat | CTRL + ALT + S |
Create or Edit Grid. | CTRL + ALT + G |
Select All | CTRL + A |
Select None | CTRL + SHIFT + A |
Group the selected items | CTRL + G |
Ungroup the selected items | CTRL + U |
Auto-Layout Products | CTRL + N |
New Empty Sheet Layout/Printer Layout | CTRL + SHIFT + N |
Rearrange frames on a sheet layout/sheet layouts on a printer layout | CTRL + SHIFT + F |
Rearrange all frames in job | CTRL + ALT +SHIFT + F |
Reapply marks | CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + M |
Reapply all mark sets in Job | CTRL + SHIFT + M |
Fix bleed overlaps | CTRL + ALT + M |
Zoom into layout | CTRL + + OR CTRL + mouse wheel |
Zoom out of layout | CTRL + - OR CTRL + mouse wheel |
Zoom to fit layout in window | CTRL + 0 (zero) |
Display the System Overview. | CTRL + 1 |
Display the Jobs window. | CTRL + 3 |
Open the Media Hub | CTRL + ALT + 1 |
Open the Finishing Hub | CTRL + ALT + 2 |
Open the Mark Engraver | CTRL + ALT + 3 |
Open the Sheet Sizes | CTRL + ALT + 4 |
Open the Page Sizes | CTRL + ALT + 5 |
Open the Color Books | CTRL + ALT + 6 |
Open the Sheet Layout Templates | CTRL + ALT + 7 |
Align pin sets | CTRL + ALT + 8 |
Show/hide the Snag List | CTRL + R |
Show/hide View Options | CTRL + SHIFT + E |
Show/hide Presets | CTRL + SHIFT + P |
Show/hide Inspector Panel | CTRL + SHIFT + I |
Show/hide Product Panel | CTRL + ALT + I |
Open the Job Set-up Inspector | ALT + 1 |
Open the Frame Inspector | ALT + 2 |
Open the Color Inspector | ALT + 3 |
Open the Mark Sets Inspector | ALT + 4 |
Open the Sheet Inspector | ALT + 5 |
To | Drag the image and |
Place one or more images at the cursor position without ganging them. | Hold SHIFT and release |
Switch between snapping to margins (magenta snap guides) and snapping to edges (blue snap guides). | Press ALT |
Restrain movement horizontally and vertically. | Hold SHIFT |
Cancel the image placement. | Press ESC |
Rotate one or more images 90° counterclockwise, while moving them | Press space bar once |
Copy a selected image. | Press CTRL + C |
Paste a copied image. | Press CTRL + V |
Center an image on the current sheet or on a new sheet if the current one is not empty. Multiple selected images are centered on individual sheets. | Press C |
Center an image on the current sheet even if it is not empty. Multiple selected images are centered on individual sheets. | Press SHIFT + C |
Duplicate one or more selected images according to the copy count and gang the images on the current and new sheets. | Press N |
Duplicate one or more selected images according to the copy count and gang the images on the current and new sheets but starting at the cursor position. | Press SHIFT + N |
Duplicate one or more selected images according to the copy count and center the images on the current sheet if empty and on new sheets. | Press N + C or Press SHIFT + N + C |
Duplicate the selected image and fill the current sheet if empty. Fill one sheet for each image if multiple images are selected. | Press F |
Duplicate a selected image and gang the images with existing images on the current sheet to fill the sheet. Selecting multiple images fills multiple sheets. | Press SHIFT + F |
Duplicate the selected image and fill and center on the current sheet if empty. Fill one sheet for each image if multiple images are selected. | Press F + C or Press SHIFT + F + C |
Rotate the selected image or images clockwise. | Press R |
Rotate the selected image or images counterclockwise. | Press SHIFT + R |
Mirror the selected image or images clockwise. | Press M |
Mirror the selected image or images counterclockwise. | Press SHIFT + M |
Selection tool: To select a component or area and display its properties. This is the default tool. | A |
Single Instance Selection tool: To select a single instance of marks which are placed at various locations, or part of a compound mark. In the Paths inspector: selects a path and its anchor points. | D |
Pan tool: To pan layouts in the Layout Editor. | H |
Zoom tool: To zoom into a specific area of a layout. | Z |
Frame tool: To draw empty frames on a sheet. | F |
Measurements tool. Use this tool to make measurements on the Press Sheet. | ALT+ M |
Clear Measurements tool (only activated if the sheet has measurements). Click to remove all measurements displayed on the Press Sheet. | CTRL + ALT+ M |
View Options palette button: Shows/hides the View Options palette. | CTRL SHIFT+E |
Marks palette button: Shows/hides the Marks palette. | CTRL+M |
Presets (Licensed feature): To open the Presets dialog box. | CTRL SHIFT+P |
Crop image: Activates the crop mode to crop an image (Image inspector in the Product Editor). | K |
Split tool: Activates the Split tool to split an image into tiles (Tiling inspector in the Product Editor). | K |
Pen tool: Activates the Pen for drawing free-form paths on an image and adding/deleting points of existing paths (Paths inspector in the Product Editor). | P |
Ellipse Path tool: Activates the Ellipse Path tool to draw ellipse and circle paths on an image (Paths inspector in the Product Editor). | L |
Rectangle Path tool: Activates the Rectangle Path tool to draw rectangle paths on an image (Paths inspector in the Product Editor). | R |
Zoom slider with Zoom to fit and Zoom to maximum buttons, and drop-down list with zoom presets | CTRL +/- |
To | Press |
Change the splitting orientation (the magenta splitting line) | Space bar or TAB key once |
Extend the splitting action across all tiles | Hold SHIFT |
Repeat the split. | CTRL |
Cancel the image splitting | ESC |
To | Press |
Draw a square with the Rectangle tool | R |
Draw a circle with the Ellipse tool | L |
To | |
Open the Split Tile dialog box | CTRL + U |
Mirror the tile vertically when placed on a sheet | SHIFT + M |
Mirror the tile horizontally when placed on a sheet | M |
Rotate the tile clockwise in steps of 90° | SHIFT + R |
Rotate the tile anticlockwise in steps of 90° | R |
Merge the selected tiles | CTRL+ G |
Place the cursor in the first Overlap box of the Positioning toolbar | O |
Place the cursor in the first Gap box of the Positioning toolbar | G |
Jump to next box in the Positioning toolbar | TAB |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Select a job in the Jobs List and jump to the Product View | CTRL + SHIFT + Enter |
Jump to the Product View while in the Job Ticket Editor | CTRL + SHIFT + Enter |
View a flat you selected in the Results tab in the Product View | CTRL + SHIFT + Enter |
View a flat you selected in the Results Preview in the Product View | CTRL + SHIFT + Enter |
Return to the Job Ticket Editor from the Product View | ALT + F4 |
Close the Product View and submit the Job Ticket | CTRL + SHIFT + G |
Jump to the Press Sheet View from the Product View, with a Press Sheet selected in the Press Sheet or Press nodes | CTRL + Enter |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Switch to the Select Tool | ALT + A |
Switch to Split Assembly Tool | ALT + S |
Temporarily switch to the Split Assembly Tool | Hold ALT |
Split into multiple blocks (with Split Assembly Tool selected) | Hold CTRL |
Switch to the Split Assembly Tool and split an assembly in multiple blocks | Hold ALT + CTRL |
Split a stacked signature horizontally, splitting off inserted child nodes. | Hold + SHIFT |
Repeat Step and repeat a placed fold sheet or element interactively | ALT + R |
Repeat the selected Fold Sheet (Repeat tool) | CTRL + ALT + S |
Open the Auto Impose window in the Product View | CTRL + N |
Rotate a Fold Sheet 90 degrees counterclockwise (must be selected on a Press Sheet) | CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + T |
Rotate a Fold Sheet 90 degrees clockwise (must be selected on a Press Sheet) | CTRL + ALT + T |
Flip a Fold Sheet (must be selected on a Press Sheet) | CTRL + ALT + F |
Rotate a Fold Sheet 180 degrees (must be selected on a Press Sheet) | CTRL + ALT + Y |
Show/Hide Inspector | CTRL + I |
Show/Hide Mark Set Inspector | CTRL + SHIFT + I |
Show/Hide Positioning Palette | CTRL + | |
Repeat the layout of an imposed Press Sheet to other Sheets | CTRL + ALT + R |
Show/Hide Assembly pane | CTRL + ALT + 1 |
Show/Hide Fold Sheets | CTRL + ALT + 2 |
Show/Hide Part/Fold Sheet details | CTRL + ALT + 3 |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Switch to the Select Tool | ALT + A |
Select segments or individual instances of an item. | ALT + D |
Switch to the Pan Tool | ALT + H |
Switch to the Zoom Tool | ALT + Z |
Switch to Measurement Tool | ALT + M |
Clear any measurements from a Press Sheet | CTRL + ALT + M |
Show/Hide Inspector | CTRL + I |
Show/Hide Mark Set Inspector | CTRL + SHIFT + I |
Show/Hide Positioning Palette | CTRL + | |
Show/Hide Marks Palette | CTRL + M |
Show/Hide View Options | CTRL + E |
Go to previous sheet (Sheet View) | CTRL + left arrow |
Go to next sheet (Sheet View) | CTRL + right arrow |
To turn the Press Sheet: flip front to back (Turn Press Sheet tool) | CTRL + T |
Switch Light Table mode on and off | CTRL + L |
Temporarily switch to the Measurement Tool | Hold ALT |
Temporarily switch to the Pan Tool | Hold space bar |
Zoom into Press Sheet | CTRL + OR CTRL + mouse wheel |
Zoom out of Press Sheet | CTRL - OR CTRL + mouse wheel |
Zoom to fit Press Sheet in window | CTRL + 0 (zero) |
Close the selected gaps (Sheet View) | CTRL+. |
Copy a mark | CTRL+ drag |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Go to the next item in the list | CTRL + Down arrow |
Go to the previous item in the list | CTRL + Up arrow |
Go to the next item of the same level in the list | CTRL + SHIFT + Down arrow |
Go to the previous item of the same level in the list | CTRL + SHIFT + Up arrow |
Go to the next cover part | c or C |
Go to the next plain or insert part | b or B |
To... | Press (Windows) |
Open the Auto Impose window in the Product View | CTRL + N |
Return to the Job Ticket Editor from the Product View | ALT + F4 |
Submit a job | CTRL + SHIFT + G |
Undo an action (unlimited) | CTRL + Z |
Redo the last change | CTRL + Y |
Remove Mark | Del |
Select all | CTRL + A |
Select none | CTRL + SHIFT + A |
Repeat the layout of an imposed Press Sheet to other Sheets | CTRL + ALT + R |
Re-apply Mark Sets (manual marks are removed and marks sets are placed according to conditions | CTRL + SHIFT + M |
Flip a Fold Sheet (must be selected on a Press Sheet) | CTRL + ALT + F |
Rotate a Fold Sheet 90 degrees clockwise (must be selected on a Press Sheet) | CTRL + ALT + T |
Rotate a Fold Sheet 90 degrees counterclockwise (must be selected on a Press Sheet) | CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + T |
Rotate a Fold Sheet 180 degrees (must be selected on a Press Sheet) | CTRL + ALT + Y |
Repeat the selected Fold Sheet (Repeat tool) | CTRL + ALT + S |
Close the selected gaps (Sheet View) | CTRL+. |
Show/Hide Run List Indexes: switches between absolute run list index and page numbering per part | CTRL + SHIFT + N |
Zoom into Press Sheet | CTRL + |
Zoom out of Press Sheet | CTRL - |
Zoom to fit Press Sheet in window | CTRL + 0 (zero) |
Show the current selection (orange highlight draws attention to the selected items and scrolls or zooms if they are off-screen) | CTRL + * |
Show/Hide Assembly pane | CTRL + ALT + 1 |
Show/Hide Fold Sheets | CTRL + ALT + 2 |
Show/Hide Part/Fold Sheet details | CTRL + ALT + 3 |
Show/Hide Page Previews | CTRL + SHIFT + T |
Show/Hide Measurements | CTRL + SHIFT + R |
Compact View | CTRL + SHIFT + K |
Show PressSheet View | CTRL + Enter |
Show the Inspector | CTRL + I |
Show/Hide Mark Set Inspector | CTRL + SHIFT + I |
Show/Hide Marks Palette | CTRL + M |
Show/Hide View Options | CTRL + E |
Show/Hide Positioning Palette | CTRL + | |
Show the Snag List | CTRL + R |
System Overview | CTRL + 1 |
Hot Tickets | CTRL + 2 |
Jobs | CTRL + 3 |
Message Board | CTRL + 4 |
Show/Hide all the marks and inspector pallets | F4 |