The Apogee Menubar is available in each of the main Client windows. It includes the following menus:
Control Menu (Not available in System Overview)
Processor Menu (Available in System Overview only)
View Menu (Not available in System Overview)
NOTE: See “Layout Editor Menus” for information on the Layout Editor menus.
Not all items included in these menus are available in every window. The active menu or sub-menu items vary according to the window you are working in. This is especially the case for the Apogee Impose module; see “Menus”.
TIP: Some of the menu options can be accessed more quickly by context-clicking on jobs in the Job List, and selecting an item from the context menu.
File Menu
This menu provides commands that apply to sessions (logging in and out), and documents (job tickets and archives).
File Menu Item
New from Templates
Opens the Ticket Template dialog box. When used from the Hot Tickets window, the Tickets tab is shown and the default Hot Ticket template is selected. Otherwise, the Jobs tab is shown and the default Job Ticket Template is selected.
New Default Job/Hot Ticket
Opens the Ticket Editor with the default Ticket Template selected.
New From Selected
Opens the Job Ticket Editor with an empty Administration tab but with the same plan, imposition, etc.
New Wide Format Job/Hot Ticket
Opens the Layout Editor.
Create StoreFront Hot Ticket
To create a hot ticket for integration with the web-to-print application.
Allows you to select and open a previously saved ticket (*.ajt).
Saves the current ticket (Ticket Editor only).
Save As
Allows you to save the ticket with a different name (Ticket Editor only).
Save As Template
Allows you to save the ticket as a Ticket Template.
Closes the current window.
Upload Document
Allows you to add a file or a folder containing files to a job, Hot Ticket or Public Page Store. When you upload a folder, Apogee uploads all files and folders in that folder recursively. The uploaded folder appears as a subfolder in the Page Store.
Submit Job
Submits a new Ticket to the Apogee System (Ticket Editor only).
Submit Changes
Submits the changes you have made to an existing job (Ticket Editor only).
Archive Job
Allows you to choose a location and file name in order to archive the selected job.
Import Job Archive
Allows you to select and restore a previously saved job archive (*.arch) or create a new job from a selected archive.
<selected item> From - Exports the item from a selected point in the flow (Latest, Run List, Normalize, etc.).
Document - Saves a PDF document outside Apogee, where the document can be edited, and then dragged back into Apogee (Page Store PDF files only).
Export Folder - Exports the selected folder.
Job Dump - Similar to Archive Job, but only accessible by administrators for troubleshooting purposes (only for jobs, not for Hot Tickets).
Export Job Log - Exports the log file for the selected job.
Export CAD Files: Exports the current original CAD file without any changes you may have made.
Export System Log (System Overview only) - Exports the log file for the selected Apogee System.
InkDrive - Exports the InkDrive files for the selected job (only available when the job has InkDrive files).
Imposition Layout - Exports the Imposition Layout and Marks files for the selected job (only available when the job has received layout information 'from Input').
Output Device PPD - Creates a PPD file for the selected output device.
Hot Ticket PPD - Creates a PPD file for the selected Hot Ticket.
Open in ProductionCenter
Opens the selected job in the ProductionCenter web application.
Check Consistency
Checks Ticket Templates and/or Hot Tickets for changed parameter sets and job resources. Any out-of-date references can be updated, and are listed in a Consistency report. This option requires Administrator access level.
Open in Production Dashboard
Opens the selected job in the Production Dashboard web application
Log on / Log off
Allows you to log on to an Apogee System, or to log off from one. When logging on, the Connect to System dialog box is displayed. If you are already logged on to an Apogee System, you are asked to confirm before proceeding. Note that Log on always ignores your “automatically log on” preference.
Quit / Exit
Closes the Apogee Client .
Edit Menu
This menu allows you to find, select, and edit job items. In Windows, you can also access the Preferences from here.
Edit Menu Item
Undo / Can’t Undo
Undoes the last Cut, Copy, or Paste operation (only enabled when editing).
Deletes the selected text, and copies it onto the clipboard.
Copies the selected text onto the clipboard.
Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the selected location.
Delete <selected item>
Deletes the current selection.
View Item From
Displays the selected item using the default viewer. You cannot edit the item.
Edit <selected item>
Displays the selected item using the default editor, where you can modify the item.
Edit Imposition
Opens the selected item in the main Apogee Impose window.
Duplicate Job
Duplicates the selected job.
Create Versions
Opens the Create Versions assistant.
Merge Jobs
Merges the selected jobs.
Renames the selected item.
All - Selects all items in the current view.
Even Positions - Selects all even placeholders/pages (Page Store Only).
Odd Positions - Selects all odd placeholders/pages (Page Store Only).
Empty Positions - Selects all empty placeholders (Page Store Only).
Different from Expected - Selects all pages in the Run list which have a different size from the expected page size specified in the job.
Fronts - Selects all front sides when the view is set to “Fronts and Backs” (Results tab only).
Backs - Selects all back sides when the view is set to “Fronts and Backs” (Results tab only).
Flat - Selects flat (both front and back sides).
Signature - Selects all sides in the signature when the view is set to “Fronts and Backs” (Results tab only).
<Page> in Page Store - Allows you to select a page in the Run List or Page Layout pane, and then find the selected page in the Page Store.
Adapt Part’s Page Size
Sets the finished trim size of a Product part to match the pages in the Run List. Pages need to be assigned in the Run List.
Page Adjustments
Offset By... - Allows you to adjust the offset of the selected page(s) or placeholder(s).
Scale By... - Allows you to adjust the scale of the selected page(s) or placeholder(s).
Rotate By... - Allows you to adjust the rotation of the selected page(s) or placeholder(s).
Edit / View - Opens the Adjustments dialog box for the selected page(s)/placeholder(s). If you are not editing the job, the Adjustments dialog box is read-only.
Clear - Deletes all page adjustments.
Insert... - Allows you to insert or append placeholders.
Remove... - Removes the selected placeholders from the Run List (disabled when there are no blank pages in the selection).
Make Blank - Puts a blank page in the selected placeholder(s).
Reverse Page Order
Reverses the page order of selected pages placed in the Run List.
Opens the Preferences .
Control Menu
This menu allows you to control the processing of jobs, results and Task Processors. These items are active only after you have selected a job in the Job List. This menu is not available for the System Overview.
Control Menu Item
Rush Job
Upgrades the selected job to a Rush job.
Hold <selected item>
Suspends all processing of the selected job(s), result(s) or Task Processor(s) after the current activity for the items has been allowed to finish. This option is disabled if all items are already on hold.
Resume <selected item>
Resumes processing of the selected job(s), result(s) or Task Processor(s) This option is disabled if all items are already running.
Continue <selected item>
Continues all or part of a job that has stopped. The job may have stopped because it has reached a hold Action in its Production Plan, or because it has been aborted, rejected, or in error.
Clear and Rebuild Run List
Used in Versioning jobs to remove all pages from the Run List, then rebuild it using the version names available in the input documents.
Reject <selected item>
Rejects the selected item(s). All processing will be stopped for the rejected item(s).
Stop Plating
Stops the plating process (only available for PrintDrive jobs).
Clear Rejected Status
Removes the rejected status from a previously rejected job, and restarts processing.
Prevents specific pages, flats or separations from being printed, without stopping the rest of the job from being printed. Available only when the items are waiting on a Hold action or when finished.
Includes discarded items.
Re-render <selected item>
Remakes all the existing job results which follow the selected point in the Production Plan. You may want to re-render a job if you have changed your resources (new fonts, color books, etc.) or if you want to remake aborted results, or remake output when no raster data is available.
Re-image <selected item>
Remakes previously imaged raster data (Digital Film) on your output devices. This feature is available only for flows that have an imaging output device and finished raster data.
Re-export <selected item>
Re-exports previously exported results (when resources have changed or exported files have to be recreated).
Re-print <selected item>
Remakes previously imaged raster data (Digital Film) on a digital press. This feature is available only for flows that have a digital press and finished raster data.
Restart Job Processing At
Restarts processing the selected items from a point in the flow. Jobs offer the full list of Task Processors from the main flow: Documents only offer the Task Processors up to and including the Run List.
Enable Inputs
Re-activates all input channels for the selected job(s) or Hot Ticket(s). By default, input channels are enabled. This option is disabled if all job(s) or Hot Ticket(s) have their inputs enabled.
Disable Inputs
De-activates all input channels for the selected job(s) or Hot Ticket(s). This option is disabled if all job(s) or Hot Ticket(s) have their inputs disabled. A Ticket cannot produce any jobs while disabled.
Mark as Finished
Marks the selected job as finished, aborting all current processing and removing all outstanding tasks.
Processor Menu
This menu allows you to control the operation of Task Processors (System Overview only).
Processor Menu Item
Starts the selected Task Processor(s). This option is disabled if all Task Processor(s) are active.
Stops the selected Task Processor(s). This option is disabled if all Task Processor(s) are stopped.
Restarts the selected Task Processor(s).
Put Offline
Disables the scheduling of tasks for the selected Output Task Processor. This option is disabled if all Output Task Processors are offline.
Put Online
Enables the scheduling of tasks for the selected Output Task Processor. This option is disabled if all Output Task Processors are online.
Exposure Test
Submits an Exposure Test job for the selected platesetter.
This command is available only for platesetters (e.g. Galileo, Palladio)
Allows you to access the Configuration settings of the selected output device. Administrator access level required,
Allows you to quickly access the resources of the selected Task Processor.
Starts printing the collected output for ganging (proofer), or flushes the drum (imagesetter) and cuts the media.
View Menu
This menu allows you to control what information is displayed and how it is displayed. This affects the look of the current window, but does not open or close windows. View Menu items are only active after you have selected the Results tab in the Jobs Window, or in the Ticket Editor.
View Menu Item
Flats Only
Displays only the flat outlines in the Job Layout Pane. In this mode, you cannot select individual pages.
Displays thumbnail images of all pages in the Job Layout pane.
Page Labels
Displays/Hides the Page Label column in the Run List.
Run List Indexes
Displays/Hides the Run List indexes in the Run List.
Extended Page Adjustments
Extends the Adj column in the Run List to display extra icons (up to 4 icons) which indicate specific page adjustments in the job.
Displays checked items from the Show menu.
Highlight Unplaced Pages
Highlights against a green background the pages in the Page Store that have not been placed in the Run List.
Page number - Shows the position of the page in the Run List (Results tab only).
Hold States - Shows pages and flats in blue when on hold (Results tab only).
Small - Displays small thumbnails (Results tab only).
Normal - Displays normal thumbnails (Results tab only).
Large - Displays large thumbnails (Results tab only).
Fit to Window - Scales the results in the Job Layout pane so that they fit horizontally within the width of the pane - otherwise a fixed scaling is used (Results tab only).
In the Run List on the Pages tab, these commands scale the page labels for versioning jobs.
Front and Back - Displays two columns of pages/flats, and “front”, “back” and “signature” labels in the Job Layout pane.
Fill Width - Displays as many columns of pages/flats as will fit in the width of the Job Layout pane.
1-10 - Displays the pages/flats over the specified number of columns in the Job Layout pane.
Results tab only. Selects the results from the selected flow for viewing.
Devices: Opens or closes the Device pane (Hot Ticket and Job Lists only).
Job List: Opens or closes the Job List.
Flow Activity: Opens or closes the Activity pane (Job list/ Results tab only).
Systems: Shows/hides the Hardware pane (System Overview only).
Production Sets
Resources: Shows/hides the Resources pane (System Overview only).
Allows you to view All, Previous or Next versions.
View Menu for Raster Preview
The Raster Preview View menu groups all commands that relate to the Preview window. Most of these commands are also available as tools and/or keyboard shortcuts.
Preview Menu Item
Zoom In
Zooms in on the image in the Preview window. Each time you click the Zoom In tool, the zoom factor is doubled, until you reach the maximum zoom-in level (32:1).
Zoom Out
Zooms out on the image in the Preview window. Each time you click the Zoom Out tool, the zoom factor is halved, until you reach the maximum zoom-out level (1:128).
Size To Fit
Selects a zoom level that fits the entire image in the Preview window.
Actual Pixels
Sets the zoom level to 1(each raster pixel is represented by a single display pixel).
Next Side
Displays the next side in the job.
Previous Side
Displays the previous side in the job.
First Side
Displays the first side in the job.
Last Side
Displays the last side in the job.
Turn Sheet
Raster Preview always groups results which have 2 sides (front and back). When viewing results, use this option to toggle the view (front or back).
Color Managed
Displays the raster data using color management to convert the press color space to the monitor color space, based on ICC profiles.
Light Table
Displays blended front/back viewing, allowing you to check the registration of the front and backs, or view whether you have problematic ink coverage.
Displays the rule-ups you specified in the Rule-Ups floating palette. This allows you to display additional layers of information on top of the Raster Preview image. These include: Art Box, Trim Box, Crop Box, Bleed Box, Media Box.
Allows you to directly toggle on or off any of the following indicators which may be displayed over the raster data:
Art Box
Trim Box
Crop Box
Bleed Box
Media Box
Expected Page Size
Press Sheet Size
Press Sheet
Displays raster data as if it were a press sheet.
Device Output
Displays raster data as it would appear output from an imaging device.
Rotate 90 CW: Rotates the current view 90 degrees clockwise.
Rotate 90 CCW: Rotates the current view 90 degrees counterclockwise.
Flip Horizontal: Flips the current view horizontally.
Flip Vertical: Flips the current view vertically.
Invert: Inverts the current view (negative).
Toggles on or off the Ruler in the Preview window.
Toggles on or off the Grid in the Preview window.
Control Menu for Raster Preview
Preview Menu Item
Opens the QuickProof dialog box (only available for 1-bit screened data for CTP/CTF devices).
Window Menu
This menu allows you to open, rearrange, and switch between the Apogee windows. You can also hide or show any subsidiary windows, and bring any currently displayed window to the front. This menu also lists the titles of all open windows (in order of creation). The currently active window title has a checkmark.
Window Menu Item
Zoom Window
Opens or switches to the Preview window (OS X Raster Preview only).
Minimize Window
Minimizes the frontmost window (OS X only).
Bring All to Front
Brings all Apogee windows to the front (OS X Raster Preview only).
Cycle Through Windows
OS X only.
New Window
Opens a new Jobs or Raster Preview window.
System Overview
Opens or switches to the System Overview window.
Hot Tickets
Opens or switches to the Hot Tickets window.
Opens or switches to the last Jobs window.
Message Board
Opens or switches to the Message Board.
Go to ProductionCenter
Opens the ProductionCenter application in your default internet browser, for example, to manage WebApproval and PrintSphere users.
Go to PrintSphere
Opens the PrintSphere file-sharing application in your default internet browser, for example, to manage PrintSphere users.
Go to SphereCenter
Opens the SphereCenter application in your default internet browser, for example, to set up a PrintSphere subscription.
Go to StoreFront
Opens the StoreCenter application in your default internet browser, for example, to create StoreFront online web stores.
Activity for Task Processor
Opens an Activity window for the selected Task Processor(s). You can open multiple Activity windows.
Info for <selected item>
Opens an Info window for the selected item(s). You can open multiple Info windows (PDF documents only).
Info From
Opens an Info window on the selected item(s) results. You can select the latest or any other of the available results.
Opens the Remarks window, where you can view some or all comments that were added to this job, as well as the source of the comments (e.g. the Delano System).
Log for <selected item>
Opens a Log window for the selected item(s). You can open multiple Log windows.
Problem Report for <selected item>
Opens a Problem Report window for the selected item(s). You can open multiple Problem Report windows (PDF documents only).
Preflight Report
Opens a Preflight Report window for the selected item(s). You can open multiple Preflight Report windows (PDF documents only).
Palettes (Raster Preview only)
Show/Hide Navigator: Opens or closes the Navigator palette.
Show/Hide Inks: Opens or closes the Inks palette.
Show/Hide Rule-ups: Opens or closes the Rule-ups palette.
Show/Hide Versions: Opens or closes the Versions palette.
Show/Hide Tools: Opens or closes the Tools palette.
Help Menu
This menu allows you to access the Help system. In Windows, it also includes additional application-specific commands.
Help Menu Item
About Apogee
Displays the splash screen and software version number. Click anywhere in the About box to dismiss it).
Check for Client Updates
Checks whether you have the latest version of the Apogee client. See the Installation Guide for more information on Client Updates.
Apogee Help
Opens the first page of the Apogee Help.
What’s This?
Allows you to access context-sensitive help on the selected item.
Displays help information on the Apogee icons.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Lists the Apogee keyboard shortcuts.
Lists the Apogee variables.
Apogee Online
Launches your web browser to view:
Apogee Network: the Apogee Network home page
Apogee Tutorials: practical lessons to help you work with Apogee
Apogee Forum: an online forum where users of Apogee can post questions and answers
Download: links to download various files to help you work with Apogee.
Apogee Report
Basic - Uses your browser to display a summarized overview of the Apogee System.
Extended - Uses your browser to display a detailed report of the Apogee System.
Load License File... - Allows you to select and open an Apogee license file. The license file is then sent to the system for evaluation.
Save Fingerprint File... - Allows you to save an Apogee license file in a specific location.
Configuration Wizard
Launches the configuration wizard.
doc. version 13.1.1