The Hot Ticket Manager
The Hot Ticket Manager can be opened from any of the main windows in the Apogee Client by clicking Hot Tickets in the Apogee Taskbar. This is where you will monitor, view, and manage the that you create.
The main window is divided into 3 panes:
•The Output Device List: On the left side of the window, you will see a list of currently configured output devices (e.g., Avantra25, Export, etc.).
•The Hot Ticket List: Next to the Output Device List, you will see the Hot Ticket List. This List displays the status of all Hot Tickets that have been submitted to the Apogee . For more information, see
“What Are Hot Tickets?”.
Filters: Above the Hot Ticket List, you can enter filter criteria directly into the Quick Filter box. Below the Output Device List, you have custom job filters for filtering the Hot Ticket List based on a variety of criteria.
Selected Hot Ticket details: The large pane on the right side of the window displays information on the selected Hot Ticket. This information is arranged into three tabs: