Apogee Help : Managing Hot Tickets : Working with Hot Tickets
Working with Hot Tickets
The main purpose of the Hot Ticket window is to allow you to view, and manage the Hot Tickets that are created by the Apogee System. Much of the information you need is displayed as icons in the Hot Tickets List. This information, together with the four tabs of selected Hot Ticket details, gives you a full and detailed snapshot of all existing Hot Tickets.
Selecting Hot Tickets
Hot Tickets are listed in the Hot Ticket List in alphabetical order.
To select a Hot Ticket 
1 Select the Hot Tickets Window.
2 Click a Hot Ticket in the Hot Ticket List.
The Hot Ticket details are retrieved from the Apogee System and displayed in the pane on the right. This information is arranged into 3 tabs - Administration, Options, and Plan.
You can now edit the ticket as described in “Creating or Editing a Ticket”.
To select multiple Hot Tickets 
1 Select the Hot Tickets Window.
2 Select the Hot Tickets as described in “To select or de-select multiple jobs or items”.
Duplicating a Hot Ticket
You can create a copy of a Hot Ticket as follows. This command is also available on the Edit menu or by pressing CTRL+D.
To duplicate a Hot Ticket 
1 Select the Hot Tickets Window.
2 Context-click the Hot Ticket that you want to duplicate in the Hot Ticket List.
3 Choose Duplicate Ticket.
A new Hot Ticket is created and the Administration tab is displayed.
4 Enter a new name and submit the Hot Ticket.
The duplicate Hot Ticket appears in the Hot Ticket List with the new name.
NOTE: If you do not change the name of the Hot Ticket, it appears greyed-out in the list for editing at a later stage.
Deleting a Hot Ticket
You can delete a Hot Ticket as follows.
To delete a Hot Ticket 
1 Select the Hot Tickets Window.
2 Select the Hot Ticket that you want to delete in the Hot Ticket List.
3 Choose Edit > Delete Hot Ticket, or press the Delete key.
You will see the message “The hot ticket <name> will be deleted. You cannot undo this”.
4 Click Delete.
The Hot Ticket is deleted from the Hot Ticket List.
NOTE: Only the Hot Ticket is deleted: Any jobs which have been created using this Hot Ticket remain on the system, and can still be viewed in the Job List when you switch to the Jobs window.
Creating a PPD for a Hot Ticket
You can create a PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file for a Hot Ticket, containing all job-related information specific for your output environment. A PPD created from a Hot Ticket allows you to select the parameter sets in the PPD.
To create a PPD for a Hot Ticket 
1 Select the Hot Tickets Window.
2 Select the Hot Ticket for which you want to create a PPD file.
3 Choose File > Export Hot Ticket PPD.
You can also directly context-click on the Hot Ticket and select Export Hot Ticket PPD.
The PPD User Options dialog box appears.
4 Specify the necessary Format and Content options as specified in “PPD User Options”.
5 Click OK to create the PPD file.
Checking Hot Ticket and Ticket Template Consistency
Hot Tickets and Ticket Templates store the names of the parameter sets they use, and the values in these sets. However, if you later modify the parameter set, the Hot Ticket/Ticket Template is not automatically updated: It still uses the original parameter set names and values.
In many cases, you will need any such changes to be reflected in the Hot Ticket/Ticket Template. To do this, you need to run a ‘Consistency Check’. This checks every Ticket Template (both Jobs and Hot Tickets templates) and Hot Tickets - in that order - for changed job resources. Any out-of-date references are listed in a Consistency report.
You have the option to simply check if there are any discrepancies (without making any changes), or to both check and update your Hot Tickets/Ticket Templates.
NOTE: Consistency checking is only available to users with Administrator or higher access level, and does not affect existing jobs.
To check the consistency of a Hot Ticket or Ticket Template 
1 From any of the Apogee main menus, choose File > Check Consistency.
The Consistency Check dialog box is displayed. By default, both the Hot Tickets and Ticket Templates options are selected.
2 Select one or both check boxes, and then click either of the following buttons:
Verify Only: The selected items are checked and a consistency report is displayed in a browser window. The report lists any consistencies found in the selected items.
Verify and Update: The selected items are checked and a consistency report is displayed in a browser window. The report lists any consistencies found in the selected items, and indicates that these items have been updated.
doc. version 13.1.1