Hot Folder Settings
You can access these settings:
•When creating (see
“Managing Parameter Sets”). Here, you will see a ‘Lock in Production Plan’ check box (selected by default). If this check box is selected, the settings will be initially locked in the Settings pane. If this check box is deselected, the settings can be edited in the Settings pane.
•In the Settings pane, in the Plan tab of the Job Manager and the Ticket Editor. The settings may be initially locked, as indicated by the Lock icon. If you edit the job, you can unlock them as described in
“Settings Pane (Ticket Editor)”.
The name of the Parameter Set as it will appear in the Production Plan. When you create a Parameter Set, you should specify a Parameter Set name. You can always change this name later by editing the job, choosing the Parameter Set from the Task Processor in the Plan tab, and unlocking the settings in the Settings pane.
Hot Folder
Click the Browse button to locate the Hot Folder in which you want to input your document. You can also use variables in this field to automatically create subfolders inside the HotFolderRoot (e.g., referring to the name and order number of the job).
By default, the following string is already included in this field.
NOTE: Each Hot Folder must have a unique name. The name should use ASCII characters, with a minimum of one and a maximum of 31 characters.
Variable button
Click the Variable button to insert variables. A drop-down list appears listing the variables that you can insert. For more information on variables, refer to
System Variables.
Data Format
Defines the expected format of the input files, and allows the Task Processor to correctly process it. The valid data formats are:
•PostScript, PDF or bitmap images
•DCS PostScript
•GRS (Page Description Language (PDL) format)
•PPML-VDX (variable data format)
•PDF-VT (variable and transactional printing format)
Polling time
This option defines a polling time for this type of input channel.
This option defines how single input files will be treated.
Always create new job
Apogee treats every input file as a single job.
Add to existing job if found
Input files with a specific filename are grouped into a single job. You can set up a filename template to specify what parts of the filename are taken into account, as described below.
Close job’s document input when nothing received for <n> seconds
This option tells Apogee to automatically close document input for the resulting job after a specified period of time during which no documents were received. This allows the job to finish when all processing is completed.
NOTE: You can also close the document input manually.
If a Hot Ticket has no Imposition Task Processor, then to support duplex proofing and proper InkDrive generation, Apogee needs to be told the type of input it is receiving.
Input represents
This section determines whether the input represents pages or flats. The choice not only sets the display mode of the Results tab and defines the terminology of message and log events, but it also influences the other format-dependent options.
'Apogee treats every page in the input file as a page in the publication. This usually means they need to be imposed before printing.
When you select ‘Pages’, nothing extra is done, and the remainder of the section is disabled.
'Apogee treats every page in the input file as a flat (single side of a sheet). Usually, they need no further imposition.
These options are only enabled if you select Flats. You can then choose the orientation of the two sides of the sheet.
•Sheetwise: A sheet has different content on front and back sides. The sheets are turned, keeping the at the same side.
•Work And Turn: Both sides have the same content. The sheets are turned, keeping the gripper edge at the same side.
•Work And Tumble: Both sides have the same content. Sheets are turned in such a way that the gripper edge is on the opposite side.
•: A sheet has different content on front and back sides. Sheets are turned in such a way that the gripper edge is on the opposite side.
•Single Sided: There is only one side per sheet.
•From filename: Extracts the workstyle from the filename (or directory structure). The filename template must contain <WORKSTYLE>.
These options are only enabled if you select Flats. You can then choose:
•Alternate Front/Back: Every new input file is assigned the 'next flat': 1F, 1B, 2F, 2B, etc. The filename template cannot contain <SIGNATURE> or <SIDE>.
•From filename: Extracts the flat identifier from the filename (or directory structure). The filename template must contain both <SIGNATURE> and <SIDE>.
Filename Conventions
Filename template
This option allows you to retrieve the job name, order number and imposition details from the filename of the document. To do this, you need to use the relevant variables, variable separators and wild cards to compose the filename template.
The first set of variables retrieves the order number <ORDER> and job name <JOB>, respectively. If you omit the order number or job name from the file name template, Apogee will use the Hot Ticket name or document file name, respectively. The default file name template is <JOB>.
The second set of variables retrieves the imposition work style <WORKSTYLE> and signature information <SIGNATURE> and <SIDE>.
Filename conventions for <WORKSTYLE>
This field is only displayed when you select ‘From filename’ for Workstyle. Here, you can define which strings should be recognized as the Workstyle type. Apogee tries to match the position of <WORKSTYLE> in the filename template with any of the specified strings, and identifies the input as the associated workstyle when it matches a string.
Filename conventions for <SIDE>
This field is only displayed when you select ‘From filename’ for Side. Here, you define which strings in the filename define the side (front or back). You can enter multiple strings, separated by commas, for each side. Apogee tries to match the position of <SIDE> in the filename template with any of the specified strings, and identifies the input as font or back when it matches a string. If there is no match, Apogee treats the input as a front.
NOTE: These fields are completely ignored if the filename template does not contain <SIDE>.
Created Job
Job’s Hot Folder
Here you can specify a different location for the hot folder when the job is created than the default $ORDER_$JOB. See for an explanation of the variables you can use to specify this folder. Select the Enable Job’s Hot Folder to enable this input channel for the job.
Select this check box to have a backup file of every incoming file copied to the specified folder. The directory structure in hot folder is replicated to this backup folder. If a file with the same name already exists, a suffix is added. The user must manage this backup folder.
PDF Certify Check
Verify Certification
If you select this check box, you can choose a Preflight profile against which you can certify the incoming PDF. Apogee flags all failed PDF files with a notification, and you will see the failed certification icon in the Run List.
NOTE: Postscript files always fail certification.
This option is only enabled for Postscript, PDF or bitmap.
This panel is for creating so-called WebApproval jobs that allow remote users to upload files and/or approve the pages of the job.
Web Enabled
Select this check box so users can work remotely using the WebApproval service.