Apogee Help : Output Task Processors : Proofers : Proofer Output Settings
Proofer Output Settings
You can access these settings:
When creating Parameter Sets (see “Managing Parameter Sets”). Here, you will see a ‘Lock in Production Plan’ check box (selected by default). If this check box is selected, the settings will be initially locked in the Settings pane. If this check box is deselected, the settings can be edited in the Settings pane.
In the Settings pane, in the Plan tab of the Job Manager and the Ticket Editor. The settings may be initially locked, as indicated by the Lock icon. If you edit the job, you can unlock them as described in “Settings Pane (Ticket Editor)”.
When you create a Parameter Set, you should specify a Parameter Set name. You can always change this name later by editing the job, choosing the Parameter Set from the Task Processor in the Plan tab, and unlocking the settings in the Settings pane.
In this pane, you can select a specific medium, medium type or tray from the drop-down list.
Select Media, if you want to select a specific medium. In the second drop-down list, you can further specify the medium type and its size.
The second drop-down list displays all of the compatible media for the output device that you want to use, regardless of the size of the currently active tray.
Media Type
Select Media Type, if you want to select specific media type. You can do this in the second drop-down list. Apogee is then free to image on any loaded media of the selected type, whatever size it has.
This option is especially useful when several devices are grouped. Apogee can choose the most suitable device to minimize media waste.
You can choose either of the following:
Manual sheet
Image Quality
Quality Map
Choose the quality map to be used for printing. The available quality maps depend on the selected device.
Ink Table
Choose the ink table to be used for printing. The available ink tables depend on the selected device. Select the Auto-select from map check box, if you want Apogee to select an ink table for you according to the job settings. In this case, the Ink Table selection list is disabled.
Proofer Profile
The Proofer Profile drop-down list shows all of the available profiles for the selected device. Select the Auto-select from map check box, if you want Apogee to select a proofer profile for you according to the job settings. In this case, the Proofer Profile selection list is disabled.
Rendering Intent
There are 4 different Rendering Intents available, although not all profiles contain Look Up tables (LUTs) for each of the 4. Usually there are only 3 represented. In this case often a duplicate of one Look Up table is used for missing Render Intent LUT. The Rendering Intent defines the way the source colors are mapped to the destination space.
The following rendering intent options are available:
Relative Colorimetric
A colorimetric conversion, tries to maintain the exact relationship (Smallest Delta E), between in-gamut colors, while out of gamut colors will be clipped. With Relative Colorimetric RI the white point from source color space is mapped to the white point of destination, this means that white stays white. No ink will be placed in white areas.
Absolute Colorimetric
Absolute Colorimetric rendering intent is similar to Relative except that here the white point of the 2 profiles is preserved. White of source color space is simulated with CMYK values from the destination color space. The consequence is that every white object/area is covered with certain ink amounts.
Perceptual aims to preserve the visual relationship between colors so it is perceived as natural to the human eye. The relationship between out of gamut colors is maintained. This can result in inaccuracies for in gamut colors as well.
Saturation tries to produce vivid colors in an image at the expense of color accuracy
NOTE: The result of choosing a rendering intent depends on the graphical content of documents and on the profiles used to specify color spaces. Some profiles produce identical results for different rendering intents. Differences between rendering intents are apparent only when you print a document or convert it to a different working space.
Advanced CMM
Recent developments in the Color Management engine offer ‘Smart CMM’, which provides better blending of converted spot colors. However, this comes at a small cost: it is a little slower.
Process Colors
Don’t color manage
Select this option to disable color management.
Color manage from Press to Proofer profile
Select this option to color manage from Press to Proofer profiles.
Color manage using Device Link Profile
Select this option to color manage using a Device Link Profile.
NOTE: Apogee dynamically creates a Device Link Profile when an optimized proofer profile is used with Advanced CMM enabled.
Device Link: Select a Device Link Profile.
Exception: You can choose here whether or not you want Apogee to take into account any color exceptions. For more information see “Profiles”.
None: Apogee will not take into account any color exceptions.
Default Exception Dictionary: Apogee will take into account color exceptions from the default color exception dictionary.
Select an Auto-select check box if you want Apogee to automatically make selections for you according to the job settings.
Apply black point compensation
Select this check box to compensate the loss of range on the dark tones. Use when the proofer’s gamut in the dark tones is smaller than that of the press. It is disabled, if the option Don’t color manage is selected for Process Colors.
Spot Colors
Accurate spot color mixing
In this enhanced mode, spot color visualization is superior to the standard color-managed mode. You can choose from the following:
Max. 2 colors
Max. 3 colors
deltaE calculation
Select the method to calculate the deltaE:
deltaE*ab: Use the ΔΕab method, the first internationally endorsed color difference formula as published by the CIE Committee. This is the default value for reasons of compatibility.
deltaE*00: Use the ΔΕ00 method, a revision of the ΔΕ94 formula. ΔΕ00 is the industry standard formula to be used.
default: Use the default method.
White point
Use Press Paper White
Pantone\spot color inks are transparent and appear differently when printed on different substrates. Normally, you should select this option when creating a proof which will be used by the printer to print a spot color on the Press (when the simulated spot color on proof needs to resemble the final printed result). In this case, the paper white from the press profile is used in the color calculation.
If this option is not selected, the measured paper white of the color book is used in the calculation of the spot colors. The option should therefore be deselected when the simulated spot colors on the proof are compared to the color book reference prints (with a measurement device, for example).
NOTE: A spectral press profile is required for this option.
Simulate Paper Stock
You can simulate two aspects of the Paper Stock used for the job:
White Point: Select to simulate the color of the paper stock on the proof.
Texture: Select this check box to apply the texture (fiber and grain of the paper) specified in the Paper Stock resource. If no texture is selected for the Paper Stock, it will not be simulated.
Dot for dot
Defines how to proof the screening dots from the main result. You can also enable Close Loop Control or let the system select a CLC profile automatically (Auto-select).
NOTE: The Dot for dot option requires Digital Film Proof in the flow.
doc. version 13.1.1