Generic Press Print Settings
You can access these settings:
•When creating (see “
“Managing Parameter Sets”). Here, you will see a ‘Lock in Production Plan’ check box (selected by default). If this check box is selected, the settings will be initially locked in the Settings pane. If this check box is deselected, the settings can be edited in the Settings pane.
•In the Settings pane, in the Plan tab of the Job Manager and the Ticket Editor. The settings may be initially locked, as indicated by the Lock icon. If you edit the job, you can unlock them as described in
“Settings Pane (Ticket Editor)”.
When you create a Parameter Set, you should specify a Parameter Set name. You can always change this name later by editing the job, choosing the Parameter Set from the Task Processor in the Plan tab, and unlocking the settings in the Settings pane.
Parameter Set Lookup
Enter keywords, separated with a comma, so the appropriate Image and Output parameter sets, and the Render-Screen parameter set can be selected automatically from the press. Use the same keywords in the name of the appropriate parameter sets for these resources. Select the check box to also use the name of the press as a keyword. The lookup is activated by selecting the Select automatically from press check box for these resources in the panel under the plan.
Printing Tab
Paper Type
Select the appropriate paper type from the drop-down list. The list contains all of the paper stocks in the Paper Resource category that are compatible with the selected press.
Ink Set
Select the from the drop-down list. The list contains all of the ink sets currently available in the Ink Sets Resource category.
Select the border from the drop-down list. The list contains all the borders currently available in the Borders Resource category.
Color Profile
Select the appropriate from the drop-down list. The list contains all of the ICC Profiles currently available in the ICC Profiles Resource category.
When receiving PDF files, you can have Apogee honor the application’s supplied color profile by selecting ‘Use PDF Output Intent’. In this case, you should provide a fallback in case the input has no output intent.
Auto-select from map
Select this check box to have Apogee automatically select the Color Profile.
This option is only enabled when ‘Use PDF Output Intent’ has been selected in the Color Profile list. Here, you can select a fallback color profile in case the input has no output intent.
Select the Curve from the drop-down list. The list contains all of the curves currently available in the Calibration Curves Resource category.
Select None if you do not use calibration.
Auto-select from map
Select this check box to have Apogee automatically select a Calibration Curve.
Select the Curve from the drop-down list. The list contains all of the curves currently available in the Simulation Curves Resource category.
Select None if you do not use simulation.
Web Growth
You can select a WebGrowth profile, or select None to have no WebGrowth compensation applied. WebGrowth compensation is performed on the fly while outputting the raster data, so the raster files themselves are not affected (and WebGrowth compensation is therefore not visible in Raster Preview). For more information, see
“WebGrowth Profiles”.
Defined by Layout-editor
Select this check box to use an on-the-fly calculated WebGrowth profile, based on distortion values that are specified in the Layout Editor.
NOTE: Layout-Editor based distortion requires a special license. When using this option, WebGrowth profile becomes read-only and set to Calculated.
Don’t apply outside Press sheet
Select this check box to keep the area that is outside of the press sheet as it is. This option is read-only, when using Layout Editor-based distortion.
Create InkDrive File
Select the check box if you want to create an file. The InkDrive file is especially useful for the Press operator. It contains low-resolution images to inform the operator how much ink he can use for the print job.
Density Curve
Applies the selected Density Compensation Curve to the CIP3/4 preview and Ink key report. In some cases, e.g., when using pre-compensated screens or ink-saving techniques, the densities that are found in the image preview or the Ink key report do not really convey the effects of those screens or ink-saving techniques. In these cases, you can select an extra Density Compensation Curve from the drop-down box.
After Rendering
Creates and saves the InkDrive files immediately after rendering, i.e. before the raster files are imaged.
After Rendering is not available for DQS-jobs.
After Imaging
Saves the InkDrive files immediately after imaging. This is the default option.
NOTE: The InkDrive files are always created by the Render Task Processor, regardless of the selected option.
Ink Saving
Two options are available:
Apply InkTune Integrated
Select the check box and choose an InkTune set from the drop-down list or click the arrow to go to the resource. The list contains all the InkTune sets currently available in the InkTune Sets Resource category. These parameters allow you to apply ink saving techniques based on Grey Component Removal (GCR)to replace process color inks by black.
Apply SolidTune
This option applies ink saving to screened data. Choose a SolidTune set from the drop-down list or click the arrow to go to the resource.
Disable on marks
This option disables the colorbars on SolidTune.
NOTE: Service intervention is required to modify the PDF Render configuration for the initial rendering.
Type Tab
A press can either be web-fed or sheet-fed. Each type has its own characteristics.
Press Name
The actual name of the press; the lay and gripper settings for sheet-fed and the cut-off length for web printing (see below) must be the same for sets with the same Press Name.
Specify the type of press from the drop-down list:
Sheet Offset
A sheet-fed press aligns the press sheet against the leading edge of the plate, taking into account the non-printable area. Apogee uses the total setback distance together with punch calibration in order to position the press sheet image on film or plate. The other distances are not used for processing, but can be used for validation.
Web Offset
A web press has several ways to position the press sheet on the plate:
•Center between clamps: The press sheet is vertically centered in the exposed plate area (i.e., the part of the plate that is not tucked away in the clamps).
•Center on plate: The press sheet is vertically centered on the plate, ignoring the clamp areas.
•Align to leading edge: Same as with a sheet-fed press. Since there is no sheet edge, Apogee can use the lead edge clamp size as “total setback”.
Default Press Sheet Layout
Distance plate to sheet edge
This can be specified as a value, or it can be read from the signature definition in an imposition template:
From signature info
Reads the Setback value from the signature definition in an imposition template. This option is only available when the Production Plan contains an Impose Task Processor, and if it uses templates.
Allows you to specify a custom Setback value, in mm.
Default workstyle
Sheet Lay (sheet-fed)
The press sheet lay can be:
•Left (Drive side)
•Right (Operator side)
Gripper Width (sheet-fed)
Set the required width for the gripper.
Sheet height (web)
The height of the press sheet as defined by web cut-off.
Pin area (web)
When you set a pin area, Apogee Impose adds an extra margin across the bottom of each section. Regardless of whether the page's trim margins are large enough, this raises the pages by the specified height.
Slow Down Wheels
Plate/Press Media
Default plate size
The dimensions of the plate that you can mount on this press (width and height). The plate’s dimensions directly determine the media size selection in a CTP production plan. However, you could leave it blank to allow the user to select a plate manually (in the platesetter’s output parameters).
Clamp margins
Defines how much of the plate is “lost” in the clamps (Leading edge and Trailing edge). The clamp margins are used to calculate the press sheet position for a web press.
Press Media
Default press media size
The dimensions of the press media (width and height).
Horizontal Position
Position of the press media (left, center, right or distance from left edge).
Clip Press Border Marks
Select this check box to clip press border marks.
You can add margins on the outside the press border. By default, the value is set to 3 mm.
InkDrive Tab
You can ask Apogee to create CIP3/4 information when printing to a specific press. The format and contents of the CIP3/4 file depends on the given press (vendor/type). This section allows you to tell Apogee how to create the file and where to put it.
NOTE: This tab only appears when you have the InkDrive option installed.
InkDrive Format
There are three modes for creating InkDrive data. The chosen mode determines the availability of the different InkDrive options:
InkDrive mode | File | Image | Contents |
CIP3/PPF | X | X | X |
CIP4/PPF | - | X | X |
CIP4/PNG | - | X | - |
You can select the mode from the InkDrive Format drop-down list. Only one mode is available for presses that do not support JMF messaging. Presses that support JMF can have the two other modes.
NOTE: A press that has no JDF/JMF integration can only generate file-based PPF InkDrive data. In this case, the CIP4 Image Format is disabled. Also note that a press that is integrated via JDF/JMF cannot use the ‘old’ CIP3/PPF InkDrive method.
Use v3.0 standard
You can optionally select the v3.0 PPF standard (v2.1 PPF is used by default).
The tab comprises three sub-tabs: File, Image and Contents.
This tab describes the file format and contents of the exported CIP3/4 file, and where to save it. The first section defines what a PPF file should contain. The second section controls where the files are written to, and what the file names are.
Specify the file creation. Select the required option from the drop-down list.
Options when you select Press Type Sheet Offset:
•Custom. When you select Custom, this field becomes editable, and you can enter your own construction.
•Single file for all sheets: All separations of a job are saved in one PPF file.
•Single file per sheet: Each PPF file contains all separations of both the front and back of a press sheet.
•Single file per side: Each PPF file contains all separations of a single side of a press sheet.
•Single file per side per version: Each PPF file contains all separations of a single side and version of a press sheet.
•Single file per separation: Each PPF file contains a single separation.
NOTE: This is the only available option, when the press is controlled by JMF.
Options when you select Press Type Web Offset:
•Custom. When you select Custom, this field becomes editable, and you can enter your own construction.
•Single file per signature: All separations of all webs of a single signature are saved in one PPF file.
•Single file per web: Each PPF file contains all separations of both the front and back sides from a single web of a signature.
•Single file per web side: Each PPF file contains all separations of a single side from a single web of a signature.
•Single file per web side per version: Each PPF file contains all separations of a single side from a single web of a signature for a single version.
•Single file per separation: Each PPF file contains a single separation.
NOTE: This is the only available option, when the press is controlled by JMF.
Save files in directory hierarchy
Select this check box if you want the InkDrive files to be saved according to the file name hierarchy.
Save files in same directory
Select this check box if you want all of the InkDrive files to be saved in the same directory, regardless of the file name.
File Name
This field displays the file name under which the InkDrive files will be saved. The file name may use the following variables: $ORDER, $JOB, $SIGNATURE, $WEB, $SIDE, $SEPARATION.
The variables will be separated by a slash if you select Save files in directory hierarchy. This means that a directory will be made according to the file name.
The variables will be separated by an underscore if you select Save files in same directory.
Export Directory
Specify the directory where the InkDrive file will be located. Use the Browse button to locate the directory.
For example:
Specify the file extension to be used for the InkDrive files. By default, this is ‘ppf’.
Truncate file names exceeding 31 characters
If the filename is longer than the specified amount, Apogee truncates it. Select this check box to prevent file names from becoming too long.
Replace existing file
If a file with the same name already exists in the specified directory, then the file is automatically replaced by the new file.
Leave existing file, add sequence number to new file names
If a file with the same name already exists in the specified directory, then a revision number is added to the name of the new file.
Post-process files with script
Select this check box if you want to run an external script after the InkDrive file was written.
Script options
You can specify script options, which will be passed to the script as space separated arguments.
This tab describes how the preview image should be generated. The first section describes the generation of the preview image. The second one describes how the consuming application expects its orientation in the CIP3/4 file. You can select from eight possible combinations: 4 rotations (0, 90, 180, 270) and the two readings: right or wrong.
Resolution (dpi)
Select the required resolution from the drop-down list.
Select the appropriate encoding option from the drop-down list.
•None (Binary)
Select the appropriate compression option from the drop-down list.
•Run Length
Applies the linearisation curve to the image using the CTP/CTF engine. This is checked by default, following the pattern of earlier iterations.
Define CIP3Matrix from scan direction CTP/CTF
Gets the rotation and reading from the CTP/CTF device. This disables the Rotation and Reading options.
Select the required orientation options.
•Rotation: 0, 90, 180 and 270
•Reading: Right or Wrong
You can select the behaviour when generating a separate InkDrive file for each version and including information for other than per separation.
•Only include data for the new plates to be made for a version: Excludes data for the plates that have been made for other versions, but will be reused to print this version.
•Include data for all the plates used by a version (new and reused): Includes the data for the complete set of plates needed to print a version.
Selects the data to include in the CIP3 file.
•Plate size: Select this check box if you want Apogee to retrieve the Press plate size from the Job Ticket.
•Default plate size: The dimensions of the plate that you can mount on this press (width and height). The plate’s dimensions directly determine the media size selection in a CTP production plan.
•From Job Ticket if available: This option is automatically selected when you select “Include Plate size”.
Transverse: Flips the retrieved Press plate size.
•Press sheet size: elect this check box if you want Apogee to retrieve the Press sheet size from the Job Ticket.
•Default press sheet size: The dimensions of the press sheet that you can mount on this press (width and height).
•From Job Ticket if available: This option is automatically selected when you select “Include Press sheet size”.
Transverse: Flips the retrieved Press sheet size.
•Press media position: Position of the press media (left, center, right or distance from left edge).
•Additional Imposition information: includes additional Imposition information in the CIP3 file.
•Additional Media information: includes additional Media information in the CIP3 file.
Selects the specific CIP3 tags to override.
•CIP3AdmJobCode: Overrides the value of $ORDER.
•CIP3AdmJobName: Overrides the value of $JOB.
•CIP3AdmSheetName: Overrides the value of $SHEET_$SIDE. Empty if there is no imposition.
•CIP3AdmSeparationNames: Overrides the value of $SEPARATION.
•Promote CIP3AdmSeparationNames and CIP3AdminInkColors to sheet level if applicable: This option is selected by default to optimize and override the CIP3AdmSeparationNames and CIP3AdminInkColors tags on the sheet level, unless there is a difference in color between the front and back sides.
Set CIP3 sheet sides
Allows you to control the Front/Back tagging.
•according to imposition used: Follow the job’s imposition settings.
•to all fronts: Force all sides to be marked as Front.
•to all backs: Force all sides to be marked as Back.
The Ink Keys report is a simple PDF file containing a preview with Ink Keys settings. To create such a file, select PDF Ink-Keys as InkDrive Format in the InkDrive tab of the Press.
NOTE: In the Printing tab, Create InkDrive file check box must be selected.
The PDF tab controls the page size and the orientation of the contents.
The width of the page.
The height of the page.
Select the orientation of the page; Best Fit, Portrait, or Landscape.
Ink Keys
The Ink Keys options allow you to convert the densities to Ink Key values, if you select PDF Ink-Keys or REC Ink-Keys as InkDrive Format in the InkDrive tab of the Press.
•Ink Keys Curve: Select the Ink keys curve to convert the densities to Ink Keys values.
•Precision: Select the precision for rounding. You can see this as tick marks on the vertical axis.
•Round to: Select how you want to round the Ink Keys values. This rounds the value to possible tick marks as established by the Precision option.
•Nearest value: Round to the nearest value.
•Lower value: Round to the nearest lower value.
•Higher value: Round to the nearest higher value.
•Round to higher value around 0%: Select to round values between 0 and the first tick.
JDF/JMF Integration
Apogee can act as a JDF controller with respect to a press. You will only see this tab if you have installed the JDF controller license.
To obtain the list of presses, controlled by the press controller, you need to query the press controller. The press controller will then return a list of devices it controls. You can then select the proper press from the ‘JDF DeviceID’ drop down.
JDF ‘DeviceID’
Depending on the press vendor, the press controller (and its URL) either controls a single press, or it controls multiple presses. In the latter case, Apogee needs a ‘Device ID’ to identify a unique press.
Press supports JMF
Select this option if you want to control the Press via JDF/JMF.
Press URL
Enter the URL of the press controller. If you do not specify the protocol, Apogee defaults to http://. You can also use the file:// protocol, specifying a directory, if the press controller requires it. In this case, Apogee will write the JDF commands as files to the specified location.
The Generic Press Task Processor can optionally create a JDF file which contains instructions for finishing (post-press) equipment. The Finishing tab defines how Apogee creates the JDF file, and where it needs to put it.
Create JDF for finishing equipment
Select this check box to create a JDF which contains information for finishing equipment.
Create JDF
Select to create JDF for finishing equipment:
•After impose
•After imaging
Cut Blocks
Select to create cut-blocks type depending on the product type in the job:
•Per Page
•Per Foldsheet
•Per Foldsheet (trim)
NOTE: To cut different sheets differently, you need to group them in production sets and adjust the cutting per set. Apogee Prepress determines the job type by checking the type of the first product in the Product list and cuts all sheets of the job according to that type. As such, a job that mixes different product types must be set-up very carefully. You cannot have different types of cutting on the same sheet.
JDF version
Select the JDF version.
Include preview
Apogee Prepress can create a preview of the side(s) of the sheet to be cut. This allows to check whether the currently loaded cutting instructions correspond with the stack of sheets that is on the table. The preview files are created in the same directory as the cut file itself and with the same name, but the extension is different.
•Front: Creates an image preview of the front side.
•Back: Creates an image preview of the back side.
Specify the file creation. Select the required option from the drop-down list.
•Custom: When you select Custom, this field becomes editable you can enter you own construction.
•Single File for All Sheets: All separations of a job are saved in one PPF file.
•Single File per Sheet: Each PPF file contains all separations of both the front and back of a press sheet.
Save files in
Directory hierarchy
Select this check box if you want the InkDrive files to be saved according to the file name hierarchy.
Same directory
Select this check box if you want all of the InkDrive files to be saved in the same directory, regardless of the file name.
File Name
This field displays the file name under which the InkDrive files will be saved. The file name may use the following variables: $ORDER, $JOB, $SIGNATURE, $WEB, $SIDE, $SEPARATION.
The variables will be separated by a slash if you select Save files in directory hierarchy. This means that a directory will be made according to the file name.
The variables will be separated by an underscore if you select Save files in same directory.
Export directory
Specify the directory where the InkDrive file will be located. Use the Browse button to locate the directory.
For example:
Specify the file extension to be used for the InkDrive files. By default, this is ‘ppf’.
Truncate file names exceeding 31 characters
If the filename is longer than the specified amount, Apogee truncates it. Select this check box to prevent file names from becoming too long.
Replace existing file
If a file with the same name already exists in the specified directory, then the file is automatically replaced by the new file.
Leave existing file, add sequence number to new file name
If a file with the same name already exists in the specified directory, then a revision number is added to the name of the new file.
Post-process files with script
Select this check box if you want to run an external script after the InkDrive file was written.
Script options
You can specify script options, which will be passed to the script as space separated arguments.
PressTune Tab
Create PressTune files
Select the check box to create PressTune files which are used for the PressTune print optimization solution. You can use variables to specify the file names and location.
PressTune Project
The folder where the PressTune project files will be saved.
File Name
The file name of the PressTune project file. The file name may use the following variables: $ORDER, $JOB, $SIGNATURE, $WEB, $SIDE, $SEPARATION. An extension must not be used.
The template of the PressTune project file.
The target of the PressTune project file.
Export directory
Specify the directory where the PressTune files will be located. Use the Browse button to locate the directory.
For example:
Replace existing file
If a file with the same name already exists in the specified directory, then the file is automatically replaced by the new file.
Leave existing file, add sequence number to new file name
If a file with the same name already exists in the specified directory, then a revision number is added to the name of the new file.
Post-process file with script
Select this check box if you want to run an external script after the PressTune file was written.
Script options
You can specify script options, which will be passed to the script as space separated arguments.