Apogee Help : Processing Task Processors : PDF Render : PDF Render - Separation Settings
PDF Render - Separation Settings
This dialog box allows you to view or edit the Separate settings of the Render Task Processor. This process separates composite jobs into different colors. Each separated color has its own printing plate. Each plate is printed at a different angle, to produce the final printed color image.
You can access these settings:
When creating Parameter Sets (see “Managing Parameter Sets”). Here, you will see a ‘Lock in Production Plan’ check box (selected by default). If this check box is selected, the settings will be initially locked in the Settings pane. If this check box is deselected, the settings can be edited in the Settings pane.
In the Settings pane, in the Plan tab of the Job Manager and the Ticket Editor. The settings may be initially locked, as indicated by the Lock icon. If you edit the job, you can unlock them as described in “Settings Pane (Ticket Editor)”.
The name of the Parameter Set as it will appear in the Production Plan. When you create a Parameter Set, you should specify a Parameter Set name. You can always change this name later by editing the job, choosing the Parameter Set from the Task Processor in the Plan tab, and unlocking the settings in the Settings pane.
Color Policy
In this section, you can specify which colors are to be printed and which colors are to be converted.
Application decides
If you select the Application decides check box, the application specifies whether to keep or convert a color. Apogee displays the colors according to the specifications of the application. The other options are disabled except for Color Definitions. In this case, you can make no changes to the separation output and order in the Image settings (see “Image Settings (for ECO3 Imagesetters and Platesetters)”).
CAUTION: This option is only available for Hot Tickets.
Colors are only displayed from pages in the Run List. If you remove a page from the Run List, its colors will no longer be displayed.
If you clear the Application decides check box, Apogee keeps the current settings. You can then change these settings as required. If you reselect the check box, Apogee restores the application settings completely: All previous settings are lost, as well as any manually-added colors. In this case, Apogee will ask for a confirmation.
This column lists the process colors and the colors that will be kept as spot colors. The names of the process colors are the generic color labels as defined in the color space associated with the selected ink set in the Press Task Processor. The process colors are listed first, followed by the spot colors, sorted alphabetically.
CAUTION: This option cannot be used with composite PostScript documents.
You can add, edit and delete colors.
NOTE: The ink names specified by the ink set are not displayed.
Convert to Process
This column lists the colors that are to be printed as process colors. The CMYK values are displayed next to the color. The colors are sorted alphabetically.
You can use the Right/Left arrows to move colors from one column to the other if necessary.
NOTE: The process colors are not shown if there is no Press Task Processor in the Production Plan (in this case, the CMYK colors are displayed in the Separation settings). The table is updated as soon as you insert the Press Task Processor. The process colors are also not shown when you are editing a Parameter Set, as they cannot be part of a Parameter Set.
A small icon appears before each color:
The color definition was found in the Apogee Color Books.
The Emulate Overprint option is always on.
The Emulate Overprint option is always off.
The Emulate Overprint option is selected automatically.
The color contains version-specific content.
The color does not contain version-specific content.
The color was found in the job.
The color was manually entered.
The color was manually entered and was found in the job.
The color is directly linked to the selected color
The color is indirectly linked to the selected color.
The color was found in the border or the imposition template.
The color was manually entered, with marks.
Mapped color name as defined by the Pantone mapping settings.
Special color: varnish.
Special color: die line.
Special color: other.
NOTE: All colors that are linked to have the same color policy (process colors are always in the Keep list). However, the colors that link to them may be in either the Keep or Convert lists.
Colors not yet listed above
In this drop-down list, you can specify how Apogee handles spot colors that are not specified in either of the two lists. You have three options:
Apogee will use them as separation colors. The job outputs additional plates for the spot colors.
Convert to Process
Apogee will convert them to the process colors.
Apogee sends a message to the Message Board and holds the job processing if a new spot color is found. Apogee automatically puts the newly found spot colors in the Convert to Process table and marks them as Policy undecided by a red in-job indicator and by putting the text in red and italics.
You can then either keep the color in the Convert to Process table or move it to the Keep table.
To keep it in the Convert to Process, context-click the color and select Convert.
To move it to the Keep table, use the arrows between the two tables. When you move the color to the Keep table, Apogee automatically accepts the color. You can also context-click the color, and select Keep.
CAUTION: You cannot submit a job as long as there are non-accepted colors.
You can map a color to another by dragging it unto a specific color (or context-clicking). Practically, this means that if you map red to green, red will be replaced with green. However, you can only have one mapping level. For more information, refer to “Understanding Separation Settings”.
Emulate Overprint policy
Always on. Always off. Automatic. Emulate Overprint emulates the overprint behavior of colors whose color policy has been changed, for example when spot colors are printed with process colors. Changing the policy may require reprocessing.
Map spot colors from marks/templates to content spot colors
Controls the automatic mapping of the generic spot colors names used for marks and in templates to actual spot colors. This is selected by default but can be disabled if required, for example for some security printing applications.
This section displays information about the color that is selected in the Color Policy section. The name of this section is the name of the selected color.
Press color values
These fields display the CMYK values for the selected color in the Press color space. The CMYK displayed and the Definition specifies how the value was found.
If the color is...
CMYK displayed
Entered manually
Found in book
Calculated CMYK if profile selected, empty if no profile
Lab<Lab values> from “<book name>” book
Found in book with exception defined
Exception CMYK if profile selected, empty if no profile
Output profile exception for “<output profile>” in “<book name>” book
Supplied by application
Application CMYK
Not found
<Not Found>
Emulate Overprint
Always on. Always off. Automatic. Emulate Overprint emulates the overprint behavior of colors whose color policy has been changed, for example when spot colors are printed with process colors. You will see the Emulate Overprint icon next to the separation name. Based on the input file and the required color behavior, Apogee will select Emulate Overprint by default. Manual override of the setting is not always allowed.
The Has version-specific content check box is selected to indicate that the color is version-specific. This is indicated with the “v” icon next to the color in the Color Policy. Works with the R4V action list.
Occurs in
The table shows on which pages the selected color is used (Run List position, document name and page number). When the color is part of a Null device object, the table also shows the linked colors.
Color Definitions
This section specifies how and from where Apogee will retrieve its color definitions. You have three search options:
Search books only
Apogee searches the specified books. The job will fail if the color is not found in the any of the selected books.
Search books first, use application values if not found
Same as above, but now Apogee will also use the application values if the color is not found in the books.
Use application values when supplied, else search books
Apogee uses the application values, unless the application does not supply the values. Apogee will then search the books.
NOTE: When this option is selected, the application might find a color in a different color space. In this case, there is a color space conflict.
Clicking the Books button displays the book selection window. The table shows all of the available books that can be searched.
You can select or clear the check box next to the book’s name to either include the book in or exclude it from the search. You can also change the search order by using the up and down arrows or by dragging and dropping.
NOTE: The books are shared between the Trap and Separation settings. If you enable a book in the Separation settings, it will also be enabled in the Trap settings, and vice versa.
Map all PANTONE color names to
This option allows you to change the name extension (such as CVC or CVU) according to the medium type:
Matte: Only for use with Pantone 2000 colors. If you choose Matte, the suffix will be changed to 'M'.
Follow paper type
Use Pantone 2000 color names
This option allows you to convert the old Pantone name extensions to the Pantone 2000 extensions.
Recognize ‘PANTONE nnn’ as PANTONE color name
Apogee will interpret any color name beginning with a “P” as a Pantone color name.
doc. version 13.1.1