This Action may be inserted between two Task Processors in your Production Plan. Discard is used to prevent specific result from being output, without stopping the rest of the job from being printed. You can use this Action to proof only a few pages or flats, instead of having to proof them all in order to finish the job.
Apogee displays discarded flats, pages or separations by dimming the thumbnail and name and ‘striping’ the thumbnail.
You can discard one or more results interactively in the Results tab, or by adding a Discard Action to your Production Plan.
Interactive Discard
The goal is to prevent a result from being output. To do so, select that result in the Results tab, and select the Discard item menu command. When you discard a result interactively, the result is immediately marked as `discarded'. All processing for that result is halted.
NOTE: You cannot discard results when editing a job.
Planned Discard
You can plan to discard results based on their location in the job (Run List position, at number, part or production set). You might want to do this to prevent all pages or flats from being proofed: You can then interactively include the pages or flats you want to have a proof of.
Discard Settings
When you add or select the Discard Settings Action in the Production Plan, you will see the default Action parameters displayed in the Settings pane. Discard includes two main switches; one to discard reprocessing, and one to discard or include a range of results, optionally coupled with a condition on original version or revision. These switches work independently; however, the reprocessing switch always affects all results, regardless of the range or condition selected in the other switch.
Discard check box
Enables discarding based on ranges and originals/revisions. When enabled, Apogee looks at the selection in the Discard/Include list box to determine whether to discard a result or not. When disabled, the Discard/Include list box is disabled and Apogee does not discard results based on such a condition (i.e., it normally includes all results, except when discarded by the reprocessing condition). By default, this check box is disabled.
Discard/Include list box
Select whether results that match the condition will be discarded or included.
Discards results that match the condition, and includes those that do not.
Includes results that match the condition, and discards those that do not.
Results list box
Select this check box to specify a specific set of results that must be discarded or included. See “Specifying Ranges”.
All Results
Select this option to specify all results, regardless of range. Use this option if you want to hand-pick results for inclusion.
NOTE: The QuickProof feature might make this option less useful.
Results in range
Select this option to specify all results that fall within the specified range.
Results outside of range
Select this option to specify results that do not fall within the specified range. This is the opposite of the previous option. It is convenient if you want to set up a pair of discard actions: one discarding a specific range and the other one discarding the others. Both actions can use the same range, but one uses ‘When in range’ and the other one uses ‘When outside of range’. See “Specifying Ranges”.
Parts/Production Sets
This option is available only in multi-part jobs. You can select which results to discard, using the parts or production sets of the job. This is a much more convenient way of specifying ranges: Because the ranges are already specified and named (in the Parts tab), you can simply select the ones you want to discard.
Condition list box
Select whether to discard or include initial content or changed content.
Select this option if you want to always discard (or include) results, regardless of reprocessing, initial or changed content.
If you select Always when the action is set to Discard, the ‘Always discard results when reprocessing’ option is selected as well, and the option is disabled. Note that this leaves you with no set up in which you can discard everything, except reprocessing. In all other cases, the ‘Always discard results when processing’ option remains enabled.
With initial content
Select this option if you want to operate on results that are being created, i.e., results which did not already exist.
With changed content
Select this option if you want to operate on results that have changed, i.e., the content of the result to be made has changed. Changed content includes using a new page revision, moving pages in the Run List and changing the imposition scheme.
Always discard results when reprocessing check box
When selected, Apogee discards unchanged results that are being reprocessed. In other words, when reprocessing occurs because of a parameter change or an explicit Reprocess (menu) command, but where the content of the result itself has not changed. By default, this check box is selected.
Specifying Ranges
The range field takes allows you to enter a comma-delimited list of sub-ranges. An empty range field is identical to None. The range field is not case sensitive, and you can use spaces anywhere to make the range more readable. Apogee removes all spaces when processing the range data.
Specify a page range: Examples
Ranges for a page proofer flow for a 20-page job
Pages that are in range
1 and 20
1 and 2
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
15, 16, 17
1-3, 3$-$
1, 2, 3, 17, 18, 19, 20
1, 2-5, 8, 4$-$
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Ranges for imposition proofer flow (4 signatures, each with front/backside)
Flats that are in range
1, $
1F, 1B, 4F and 4B
1F and 1B
1 F
Same as 1F
1F, 1B, 2F, 2B and 3F
All fronts
Ranges for imposition proof with 2 webs, 2 signatures with a front/backside
Flats that are in range
1W1F, 1W1B, 1W2F and 1W2B
1W1F, 1W1B, 1W2F, 1W2B, 2W1F, 2W1B, 2W2F and 2W2B
1W1F and 1W1B
1W1F and 1W2F
All fronts
1W2F, 1W2B, 2W1F, 2W1B and 2W2F
2W1F, 2W1B, 2W2F and 2W2B
1W1F, 1W1B, 1W2F and 1W2B (referring to the signature before the last one)
1W1F (referring to the flat before the specified flat of the last signature)
2W1F and 2W1B
doc. version 13.1.1