Using the Administration Tab
The Administration tab contains customer-specific information that can be used to associate specific with particular customers or job types. You can use job names or order numbers to group jobs in the Job List.
For Hot Tickets, you use the Hot Ticket name to group the resulting jobs. For example, if you enter “poster6” as the Hot Ticket name, all jobs that are created using this Hot Ticket will be grouped in the Job List under the name “poster6”.
Administration Tab Information
The Administration tab includes the following fields:
Order number
You must enter an order number to identify the job that will be generated by a Job Ticket. You can enter a number or a name as your Order Number. As soon as you submit the ticket, the job will appear in the Job List. Initially, the job consists of only the job parameters, and is represented as a folder. The Order Number is displayed next to the job folder icon.
The text you enter in the Order Number field may later be used to automatically sort archived jobs into subfolders. For more information see
“When Job is Finished”.
NOTE: An Order number is not required for Hot Tickets or Public Page Store jobs.
Job name, Hot Ticket name, or Public Page Store name
You must enter a name to identify the Job, Hot Ticket, or .
•If you are creating a , the Hot Ticket can be seen only in the Hot Ticket window.
•If you are creating a Job (based on a Job Ticket), the Job name can be seen in the Job List after a document has been input. You can see this name when you expand the associated job folder (which is named according to the job Order number).
•If you are creating a Public Page Store Job, the Public Page Store will appear, together with any other Public Page Stores, below the Job List.
The text you enter in this field may later be used to automatically sort jobs into subfolders. For more information see
“When Job is Finished”.
The operator is the person responsible for processing the documents associated with this job. An operator name is automatically entered when you create a job or when jobs are automatically submitted by Hot Tickets. This name is the same as your NT logon user name.
If you wish you can manually edit the operator name.
In the Message Board filter, you can filter on operator name in order to see all the messages for a specific operator (see
“Message Board Filter”).
Any information you may see displayed here is automatically extracted from an incoming file.
Enter any special comments that apply to this job. This is a free text entry field that is not used by Apogee.
Print Center
This option is only visible if you have the relevant license to work with multiple Print Centers. These are printing companies or other service providers belonging to the same organization and that can use Apogee independently from each other. Choose a Print Center from the drop-down list to manage the Customers, Customer’s staff and Printer’s staff for that particular Print Center.
In this panel you can provide information about the customer and the collaborators who will work on the job at hand (optional). You can select a known company from the Company drop-down list. A known company is a customer which has been defined with all its users and their contact details in the WebApproval (ProductionCenter) or PrintSphere applications. Your own company and staff are also set up in these applications. See the online help of these applications for more information. If you do not select a known company and the Company field is blank, you can fill in the contact details (name, email and phone no.) of the customer for this job.
Printer’s Staff and Customer’s Staff
After selecting a known company, you are presented a list of Customer’s Staff and Printer’s Staff that you can designate to collaborate on this job. If you did not select a company, you only see your own staff. Each collaborator in the Customer’s Staff and Printer’s Staff lists can have one or more roles which are activated by clicking the icons in the Roles column. The roles are Approver, Uploader, and Viewer. Select the Uploader can place files check box if you want to allow Uploaders to place files in the run list of a WebApproval job. You can change the role of the default collaborators by clicking these icons.
In addition, collaborators in the Printer’s Staff list can be a candidate Customer Service Representative (CSR) or a preferred CSR. Clicking the candidate CSR icon changes the role of the collaborator to preferred CSR and vice versa. More than one preferred CSR can be assigned to a job.
Add Guest
Use this button to add guests to collaborate on this job. Enter the person’s e-mail and select the User Roles: Uploader check-box if you want this person to upload files for the job. Click the Add Guest button to create the guest who is subsequently added to the list of Customer’s Staff.
NOTE: Once the job is submitted you can no longer edit the Customer’s Staff and Printer’s Staff lists.
When you select a company from the Company drop-down list, Apogee looks up the name in the Accounts resource and the PrintSphere application to see if the account is active or inactive. This status is indicated at the bottom of the Customer Contact dialog box.
| | Approver: This user can approve jobs in the WebApproval application. |
| | Uploader: This user can upload files for this job in the WebApproval application. |
| | Viewer |
| | Candidate CSR (Customer Service Representative) |
| | Preferred CSR (Customer Service Representative) |
| | WebApproval account is inactive: the account exists but is not enabled. |
| | WebApproval account is active: the account exists and is enabled. |
| | PrintSphere account is inactive: the account exists but is not enabled. |
| | PrintSphere account is active: the account exists and is enabled. |
Publish to ProductionCenter (WebFlow service)
A drop-down list next to the Company list lets you control whether a job is published to the ProductionCenter web portal or not. You have one or more of the following options, depending on whether you have licenses for the WebFlow service and/or the WebApproval service:
•Publish: (default) The job will also appear in the list of jobs in ProductionCenter, and Printer Company as well as Print Buyer users are able to upload files and approve pages depending on their role.
•Publish Internally: The job will appear in the list of jobs in ProductionCenter but only for Printer Company users.
•Don’t Publish: The job is not published to ProductionCenter (e.g. confidential jobs) even if you have the required license to do so.
•Publish for Upload: The job will appear in the list of jobs in ProductionCenter but only for uploading purposes.
•Publish for Approval: The job will appear in the list of jobs in ProductionCenter but only for approval purposes.
The text in the Customer Contact fields may later be used to automatically sort archived jobs into subfolders. For more information see
“When Job is Finished”.
You can print some or all of the Administration tab information on film or plate. This process is handled using marks and variables when setting up the . The variables are prepended with $ characters. These variables correspond to the various fields in the Administration tab and are used to print the job information on your film or plate. For information on the Apogee variables, refer to
System Variables. For more information on imposition, see
“Working with Apogee Impose” or refer to the user guide supplied with your third-party imposition software.