Your Preferences are divided into the following categories:
Display units
Select the unit of measurement that you want Asanti to display and the Precision of the measurements.
Select the check box to hear a sound when critical system messages are generated.
User Interaction
•Enable double-clicking a job to Edit: Select the check box if you want to open a job in the Job List by double-clicking it. The job will open in the Job Ticket Editor or the Layout Editor, depending on the type of job.
•Open Layout Editor when imposition is Layout: Select if you always want to open packaging jobs in the Layout Editor.
•Open Product Editor when double-clicking a product (in stead of Preview): Select the check box to open the Product Editor when you double-click a product in the Product panel of the Layout Editor (default). Clear the check box if you want the product to open in the Raster Preview module and automatically create a preview.
•Prompt for details when adding artwork files: Select this option if you want to control how products are named when you select artwork to add products in the Layout Editor. See
“Adding Products from Artwork”.
Lists all the languages in which the user interface is available. The available languages were selected when the Asanti System was installed.
JDF Sheet Names
Show MIS press sheet names when present
Select this option to display JDF sheet names instead of Asanti names, in the Results tab and main Apogee Impose windows.
Job Operator
The job operator receives notifications that pertain to his/her jobs. This option determines whether the operator field in a job can be edited at anytime, or whether it is locked after a job has been submitted.
Lock operator name after submitting the job
The Operator field is locked and cannot be edited after the job has been submitted. This is the default setting.
Always allow changing the operator name
The Operator field remains editable at all times. Note that the operator field is always editable if it is empty or when it contains a ‘JDF’ string, regardless of the preference.
Create color-managed Previews
Select the check box to automatically create color-managed previews and calculate final output CMYK values when you add new images to a layout job, in the Layout Editor. It is recommended to leave this option off unless you always need color-managed previews in the Layout Editor.
Logging On
The Logging On tab defines your access rights, and allows you to specify how the Client selects and logs on to an Asanti System.
User name
Enter the name supplied to you by your Asanti administrator.
Preferred system
Enter the name of the system you want to connect to at startup. You can also click the Browse button and select a system from the displayed list.
Enter the password supplied to you by your Asanti administrator.
Automatically log on at startup
Select this check box if you want to automatically log on to your preferred Asanti System each time the Client is started.
There are two viewers: PDF Viewer, for checking results and Raster Preview, for checking raster job results.
PDF Viewer/Editor
If you want to be able preview PDF job results in the Pages or Results tabs of the Jobs window, you must specify where your viewing application is located. This tab defines the applications that can be used for viewing and/or editing PDF files.
You can add applications using Add button (+). This opens a standard File Open dialog where you can select an executable file. To remove an application, select the application, and click the Delete button (x).
Use as Default Viewer
Select that option, if you want to use an application as the Default Viewer. Default Viewer Application is shown in bold text.
NOTE: Acrobat Reader will always display the first page of the job. To directly view a specific page within the job, you need to use Acrobat Professional.
Raster Preview
These fields allow you to specify the settings that will be used by Raster Preview. You can temporarily override any of these settings while you are previewing pages. However, this does not change the default settings.
Gridline every
Sets the default units of measurement of the grid (cms, inches, mms,, pixels, or ), and the distance between the major gridline divisions.
The grid displays gridlines for every major and minor division of the ruler. Major divisions are drawn in solid blue, subdivisions in light blue. This parameter sets the distance between the gridline subdivisions.
Auto-switch zoom factor
Select the switchover point from low resolution (contone) viewing to high resolution viewing when previewing a job (4x, 2x, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8).
Display single separation in color
When you view a single separation (a single separation selected in the Raster preview Inks palette), it is by default displayed in grayscale. If you select this check box, it is displayed in color. If more than 1 separation is selected in the Raster Preview, these separations are always displayed in color.
When preview is color managed
You can choose from the following for previewed results:
Rendering Intent
The following Rendering Intents available, although not all profiles contain Look Up tables (LUTs) for each of them. In this case often a duplicate of one Look Up table is used for missing Render Intent LUT. The Rendering Intent defines the way the source colors are mapped to the destination space.
•Relative Colorimetric: A colorimetric conversion, tries to maintain the exact relationship (Smallest Delta E), between in-gamut colors, while out of gamut colors will be clipped. With Relative Colorimetric RI the white point from source color space is mapped to the white point of destination, this means that white stays white. No ink will be placed in white areas.
•Absolute Colorimetric: Absolute Colorimetric rendering intent is similar to Relative except that here the white point of the two profiles is preserved. White of source color space is simulated with CMYK values from the destination color space. The consequence is that every white object/area is covered with certain ink amounts.
Accurate Spot Color Mixing
In this enhanced mode, spot color visualization is superior to the standard color-managed mode. You can choose from the following:
•Max. 2 colors
•Max. 3 colors
Use Press Paper White
Pantone\spot color inks are transparent and appear differently when printed on different substrates. Normally, you should select this option when creating a proof which will be used by the printer to print a spot color on the Press (when the simulated spot color on proof needs to resemble the final printed result). In this case, the paper white from the press profile is used in the color calculation.
If this option is not selected, the measured paper white of the color book is used in the calculation of the spot colors. The option should therefore be deselected when the simulated spot colors on the proof are compared to the color book reference prints (with a measurement device, for example).
NOTE: A spectral press profile is required for this option.
Line Appearance
Display design lines using
Selects the Line Appearance Set used by the Layout Editor and Product Editor to draw the Operations. The following options are available from the drop-down list:
•Fixed: Draw the Operations using the fixed colors (default option).
•<list-of-line-appearance-sets>: The list of all available Line Appearance set resources, sorted alphabetically in ascending order.
•Manage Line Appearance Sets: Opens the Line Appearance Set resource editor.
Imposition Editor
This tab is used to set your preferences for Apogee Impose.
When closing the Imposition Editor
Choose your preferred behavior for when you close the main Apogee Impose windows.
Assembly View
Choose how you want the Product assembly to be viewed in the Assembly pane.
Apogee Impose Client License
Select ‘Make this an Apogee Impose editing station’ if you want an Apogee Impose license to be assigned to this particular user.
Auto Fit
Enter the time in seconds to allow Apogee Impose to search for an Auto Fit rule in automatic imposition mode.
These validation checks only performed for Apogee Impose jobs.
Product Intent
Select the Warn when amount of Kept spot colors doesn’t match the Part’s spot colors check box to generate warnings when the number of spot colors in the parts is not equal to the kept spot colors in the Separation operation.
Apogee Imposition
Select the option to allow the job to be submitted with imposition errors. This means that the press sheets must be inspected before further processing.
Layout Editor
These preferences are used by the Layout Editor.
Fitting Options
This field allows you to control Fitting Options for any frame that is created in the Layout Editor.
Select the Enable Auto-fit for new frames check box to enable Auto-fit option when a new frame is created. This check box is selected by default.
NOTE: This option is only applicable when you create a new frame in the Layout Editor. Frames which are present in the existing Jobs, Ticket Templates and Sheet Layout are not affected.
You can select the Show Auto-fit option in Position bar check box when you want to show the Auto-fit option in the Position bar. You can use that option to prevent the change of the Auto-fit option accidentally.
Snapping and Guides
This field groups the preferences for snapping and the guides in the Layout Editor.
Snap distance
The threshold distance (in pixels) at which the items will be snapped to the nearest item. The default value is 10 pixels.
Check alignment distance
The threshold distance on a sheet at which the frames will be checked for alignment to the guide(s). The default value is 3 mm.
To open your Preferences
Choose Edit > Preferences.