Apogee Help : Processing Task Processors : Digital Film Proof : Digital Film Proof Screen Proofer Settings
Digital Film Proof Screen Proofer Settings
This dialog box allows you to configure the Digital Film Proof settings.
You can access these settings:
When creating Parameter Sets (see “Managing Parameter Sets”). Here, you will see a ‘Lock in Production Plan’ check box (selected by default). If this check box is selected, the settings will be initially locked in the Settings pane. If this check box is deselected, the settings can be edited in the Settings pane.
In the Settings pane, in the Plan tab of the Job Manager and the Ticket Editor. The settings may be initially locked, as indicated by the Lock icon. If you edit the job, you can unlock them as described in “Settings Pane (Ticket Editor)”.
The name of the Parameter Set as it will appear in the Production Plan. When you create a Parameter Set, you should specify a Parameter Set name. You can always change this name later by editing the job, choosing the Parameter Set from the Task Processor in the Plan tab, and unlocking the settings in the Settings pane.
Dot for Dot
The Digital Film Proof Task Processor may have an additional option: “Dot for Dot” proofing (requires a license). Select this check box if you want to produce better quality proofs.
Dot for Dot proofing simulates the dots on the proof as they would appear on the press. Consequently, you can only use Dot for Dot when the Digital Film Proofer shares the Render Task Processor with a high resolution CTF/CTP output devices (i.e. when it receives high-resolution raster data).
Digital Overlay
Select this check box to print the separations separately (instead of printing the composite color results), or to make arbitrary combinations. Deselect Digital Overlay to print all separations combined on a single sheet (this is the default setting).
All separately
Prints all plates on different sheets.
Process colors separately, all spot colors combined
Prints all process colors on separate sheets, and combines all spot colors on an extra sheet.
Process colors combined, all spot colors separately
Combines all process colors on an extra sheet, prints all spot colors on separate sheets.
Print in color
Print each sheet using the corresponding color. Deselect to print all in Black.
NOTE: Combined spot colors are always printed in color.
Clip to Press Sheet
Select this check box to remove plate and press borders from the Main flow for the Proofing flow.
NOTE: This option is only available when the Digital Film Proof used high-resolution data from the Main flow.
doc. version 13.1.1