PDF Render - Screen Settings
This dialog box allows you to view or edit the settings of the PDF Render Task Processor. The Screening process converts continuous tone images into halftone .
You can access these settings:
•When creating (see
“Managing Parameter Sets”). Here, you will see a ‘Lock in Production Plan’ check box (selected by default). If this check box is selected, the settings will be initially locked in the Settings pane. If this check box is deselected, the settings can be edited in the Settings pane.
•In the Settings pane, in the Plan tab of the Job Manager and the Ticket Editor. The settings may be initially locked, as indicated by the Lock icon. If you edit the job, you can unlock them as described in
“Settings Pane (Ticket Editor)”.
Select automatically from press
Select this check box to use an appropriate Parameter Set which is linked to the selected press using keywords. See
“Parameter Set Lookup”. The settings are locked.
The name of the Parameter Set as it will appear in the Production Plan. When you create a Parameter Set, you should specify a Parameter Set name. You can always change this name later by editing the job, choosing the Parameter Set from the Task Processor in the Plan tab, and unlocking the settings in the Settings pane.
Single or Separate Settings
You can use a single group of settings for all content (both objects and images), or you can separately specify the settings for objects and images.
Use separate settings for objects and images
When this check box is selected, Objects and Images tabs are displayed, and you can define separate screen settings (Screen Type, Frequency, and Dot Shape) for objects and for images.
Use single settings for all content
When this check box is selected, a single Screen tab is displayed, and you can use a single group of settings (Screen Type, Frequency, and Dot Shape) for all content (objects and images).
Seamless Printing
When this check box is selected, the Seamless settings tab is displayed. This allows you to specify your options for . Seamless printing is used in packaging jobs for printing a repetitive design, as in wallpaper or gift wrapping paper. These are usually printed in flexo.
NOTE: The Seamless Printing option is only available if you have a license. It is hidden if you do not have one.
Select the edges that will be joined together on the sleeve.
Horizontal edges
The horizontal edges of the page will be prepared for seamless joining. The rendered image can be imaged directly on the sleeve.
Vertical edges
The vertical edges of the page will be prepared for seamless joining. The rendered image will have to be rotated 90 degrees before imaging on the sleeve.
The Screen list box contains a filtered list of (references) that can be selected by the job’s current screen settings. The entries appear in the same way as they appear in the Used Screen column of the Ruling Maps overview. You should select the screen to be used to render the content that runs across the seam.
The list does not include references to Adobe Accurate or Rational Tangent screens as these are not supported. Hence, you might encounter a situation in which the list is empty. In that case, the JTE will post an error notification, and you will not be able to submit the job.
NOTE: You should always check the Seamless tab when you change a screen selection in any of the other tabs; the changes might invalidate the selected screen reference.
The simplest case is if you have selected a single fixed screen for all content. In this case, the list contains that single screen (reference) only. If you have two fixed screens, one for objects and another for images, the list contains these two screens. If you have selected a ruling map, the list contains all screens that can be selected by that ruling map using the output device’s resolution.
If the Fixed Screen option is selected, the Task Processor settings are enabled, and will overrule all screen settings in the incoming document.
Screen Type
Choose one of the available screening settings:
Apogee Balanced Screening (ABS)
A PostScript-based conventional, halftone screening system that uses supercell techniques and pre-calculated, balanced screen sets to deliver high quality color reproduction. ABS-screened halftones feature clear-centered rosettes for smooth tonal gradations and tints, and flawless skin tones free of patterns.
This screening method provides a close approximation to the standard screen angles for color separations (0, 15, 45 and 75 degrees) and frequencies.
Agfa Performa Screen
Agfa Performa Screen (APS) is a screening method with a dedicated developed set of halftone tiles for digital inkjet presses using FM technology.
Rational Tangent
This is standard PostScript screening technology implemented by Adobe. Standard screening is the oldest of the four screening methods and produces a lower output quality than either Apogee Balanced Screening or Adobe Accurate Screening.
Choose one of the available line frequencies (lines-per-inch) from the Frequency box.
Dot shape
Choose either an or Round dot shape.
Honor Application
If the Honor Application check box is selected, all screen settings will be taken from the information in the incoming document. In this case, the Screen Type, Frequency, and Dot shape options will be different, and you will be able to select a Ruling Map. The Ruling Map is used to map screen settings in the incoming document to predefined screen settings in Apogee. For more information on Ruling Maps, see
“Ruling Maps”.
If this check box is cleared, the standard Screen Type, Frequency, and Dot shape options will overrule all screen settings in the incoming document.
Screen Type:
Choose one of the available screen settings (Ruling Map, Adobe Accurate, Rational Tangent) from the Screen Type box drop-down list.
When you select Ruling Map, you can specify which Ruling Map to be used in the drop-down list next to the Screen Type drop-down list.
This is linked to the selected Screen Type.
NOTE: If a Ruling Map is selected and the frequency is not found, frequency 0 will be used. If this frequency is not available, the job will fail.
Dot shape
Choose one of the following:
•Ruling Map
NOTE: The available screening settings will change in accordance with the selected output device.
Separation Angles
In the Separation Angles panel, you will see a list of the process and spot color plates in your job. You will also see a list of angles adjacent to the plates. The default angles are as follows:
•Cyan: 15°
•Magenta: 75°
•Yellow: 0°
•Black: 45°
Depending on the selected screen parameters, your angle settings will either be honored, or will be redirected to the closest available angle.
NOTE: The Black plate angle (45°) is also used for any spot color plates.
Tagged Screening