Click the Inks button to access the Ink Settings for the PDF Render Task Processors. In the Inks dialog box, you can view or edit the order in which all process and spot colors will be trapped. You can also view or edit the density and colorant type of each color.
Trapping Order
This table shows the order in which the colors will be trapped. You can use the Up and Down arrows to change the trapping order. The table also shows the corresponding density and the colorant type.
Determine trap order automatically
You can choose to have Apogee manage the trapping order by selecting this check box. Apogee will order the colors as follows:
Based on the colorant type: Transparent, Normal, Opaque, Opaque Ignore
Based on neutral densities: Lower values are selected first.
Equal colorant types and neutral densities will be ordered alphabetically.
Chosen Ink Name
You can either specify the density manually, or have it automatically retrieved according to look-up rules. For this, you need to select the Automatic check box. If the density cannot be retrieved from the application or the books, AND you have selected the “Use application values, calculate if not supplied” Ink Densities lookup option, it will be calculated according to the CMYK values of the spot color.
NOTE: If the CMYK values cannot be retrieved, you will receive a warning.
Colorant type
You can also select the type of ink you would like to use from this list. Your options are:
Normal is the default for all colors. Normal trapping rules will be applied.
If you are using varnish inks, this option ensures that these inks will never be trapped. Underlying colors will however be trapped.
If you are using heavy, non-transparent inks, this option will prevent the trapping of underlying colors, but will allow trapping along the ink’s edges.
Opaque Ignore:
If you are using heavy, non-transparent inks, this option will prevent the trapping of underlying colors and along the ink’s edges. This option is required when using inks which react unpredictably with other inks (e.g. metallic inks).
This field displays how the color was found.
If the color is...
You will see the message...
Entered manually
<no message>
Found in the specified book
<color book name> book
Supplied by the application
Found in the specified ink set (from the Press Task Processor) - only for process colors
<ink set name> ink set
Occurs in
The table shows on which pages the selected color is used (Run List position, document name and page number).
Ink Densities
Specify how and from where Apogee will retrieve its color definitions. You have three search options:
Search books
Apogee searches the specified books. The job will fail if the color is not found in any of the selected books.
Use application values
Apogee will use the application color values.
Use application values, calculate if not supplied
Apogee uses the application values. If the application does not supply the values. Apogee will calculate them.
NOTE: When this option is selected, the application might find a color in a different color space. In this case, there is a color space conflict.
Double-clicking the Books button displays the book selection window. The table shows all of the available books that can be searched. You can select or clear the check box next to the book’s name to either include the book in or exclude it from the search. You can also change the search order by using the up and down arrows or by dragging and dropping.
NOTE: The books are shared between the Trap and Separation settings. If you enable a book in the Separation settings, it will also be enabled in the Trap settings, and vice versa.
doc. version 13.1.1