Calibration Settings
You create calibration curves using the Calibration Curve Editor. For more information, see “Calibration and Linearization Settings”.
Screen (Workflow Polarity)
In the upper right corner, the Screen setting allows you to select the polarity of the workflow. You can choose between:
This option is repeated in the Calibration Map Settings, so that you have a complete overview of all the relevant settings when creating Auto-Select Maps for Calibration. For more information on Calibration Auto-Select Maps, see “Auto-Select Maps”.
Calibration Curves List
Here you can manage your Calibration Curves. You can sort the list by clicking in any of the five column headers.
Calibration Curve
The name of the Calibration Curves.
Paper Type
The selected printing stock.
Ink Set
The ink set that was selected from the Ink Sets Resource category.
The screen type, resolution, frequency and dot shape. For more information on screen types, see “PDF Render - Screen Settings”).
Modification date and time of the Calibration Curves.
Auto-Select Maps
You can create Calibration Auto-Select Maps in the Calibration Curves Resource category. For more information on Auto-Select Maps see “Using Resource Auto-Select Maps”.
In order to do so, select the Calibration Curve and click Add Map. This will open the settings dialog box for Calibration maps. These settings are identical to the General Settings of a Calibration Curve. For more in-depth information on these settings, see “Calibration Print Settings”.
NOTE: You can also drag and drop a Calibration Curve to the Calibration Auto-Select Maps table.
Click the Fallback button to specify what Apogee should do if the automatic selection of calibration curves does not find a match. You have the following options:
Use no calibration
The job will be processed without calibration.
Apogee will put the job on hold and send a message to the Message Board.
To manually create a new calibration curve 
1 In the System Overview window, select the Print Task Processor for which you want to create a new Calibration Curve.
2 Double-click the Calibration Curves icon in the Resources pane.
The Calibration Curves dialog box appears, containing all of the available Calibration Curves for the selected Print Task Processor.
3 Click the New button.
A dialog box appears in which you can specify printing stock and halftone screen settings.
4 Specify the job details regarding printing stock, screen type and associated resolution, frequency, and dot shape. Screen polarity (Positive or Negative) cannot be selected: It is displayed for information purposes only.
For more information, see “Calibration Print Settings”.
NOTE: For CristalRaster screens, you have to specify the Dot Size instead of Frequency and Dot Shape.
5 Click OK to save your selection and close the dialog box.
6 Specify how you want to initialize the table (manually) as described in “Create Table” and click Next.
7 Select the values for the Stimuli column as described in “Stimuli Selection” and click Next.
8 Select the values for the Wanted column as described in “Wanted Selection” and click Finish.
The Calibration Curve editor appears.
9 Make any required changes as described in “Curve Editor”, type the name of your Calibration Curve and click Save.
Your new Calibration Curve appears in the Calibration Curves List in the upper pane.
10 Close the dialog box.
doc. version 13.1.1